Reference no: EM133671410
Topic: Annotating Sources on Feminism and Class Tensions
1. Read and Annotate the document below. Please help answering the prompt below.
See below to read a collection of primary sources by and about women's concerns in the Progressive Era. "Progress" is subjective, and women had very different ideas of what this looked like. For example, we've seen that some working class women like Lucy Parsons viewed "progress" from a working-class perspective. Middle-class white women remained concerned with issues of voting rights, birth control, and social issues like prostitution and working-class conditions. Black women had another set of ideas as to what priorities "progress" demanded, mostly along racial and gendered lines, as the Wells assignment suggested.
Primary Sources: Women's Progressive-Era Concerns:
1. Document 1: Excerpt from Crystal Eastman's 1918 "Birth Control in the Feminist Movement".
2. Document 2: Margaret Sanger's pro-birth control arguments featured in a 1920 debate.
3. Document 3: Alice Stone Blackwell's "Answering Objections to Women's Suffrage", published in 1917.
4. Document 4: Excerpt from Lugenia Burns Hope's The Neighborhood Union: Atlanta, Georgia (c. 1908)
5. Document 5: From Sarah Winnemucca's 1883, Life Among the Piutes.
2. Answer the Prompt below:
- Was first-wave feminism a homogenous movement with uniform ideas?
- What were the concerns of women during the Progressive Era? Feel free to make references to other primary sources we've covered or that appear in the textbook chapter.
- What to these women constituted women's liberation?
- How does this reflect the nation's 'modernization' into the 20th century?