What were the causes of the protestant reformation

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133630607


What major discoveries, innovations, and changes in perspective (religious and secular) created an impact on the 16th century, and with what consequences for France? Provide in detail at least four examples.

Please give short answers.

  1. What were the causes of the Protestant Reformation (at least two examples) - i.e. what reforms did "Protestants" want to make? What characterized Jean Calvin's Protestant theology and how did the French kings in the first half of the 16th century (Francis I and Henry II) deal with the growing popularity of Calvin's theology in France?
  2. Rabelais and Montaigne both speak about education and learning - Rabelais through Gargantuan's letter to his son, and Montaigne through his essay on "Learning". Compare and contrast each authors views on education and learning.

Reference no: EM133630607

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