What were some of the gains in indigenous rights in canada

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Reference no: EM133447762


  1. How do critical events contribute to mobilizing social movements?
  2. What obstacles did the Indigenous movement in Canada face for mobilizing before the 1960s?
  3. What was the 1969 White Paper?
  4. Why did Indigenous people mobilize in response to the 1969 White Paper?
  5. How did the federal government use funding for Indigenous peoples' organizations to shape the movement?
  6. How did the Constitution Act of 1982 act as a critical event in mobilizing Indigenous peoples?
  7. What were some of the limitations of Sections 25 and 35 of the Constitution Act of 1982?
  8. What was the Indian Summer?
  9. What were some of the gains in Indigenous rights in Canada in the 1990s following the mobilization of Indigenous peoples

Reference no: EM133447762

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