Reference no: EM133819443
Assignment: Book Report
Write a 3 to 4 pages essay on the book: DO NOT USE AI
Erased: The Untold Story of the Panama Canal responding to the questions below.
In her book, Erased, historian Marixa Lasso describes the erasure of Panamanian culture and the long-lasting political consequences it had on the canal zone and the people who lived there. In your paper, specifically, respond to these questions:
1. How did Western ideas of the "tropics" and "primitive natives" influence the re-characterization of the canal zone?
2. What impact did the notion of black republicanism have on this shift? Get the instant assignment help.
3. How did the residents of the canal zone react to the flooding of Lake Gatún?
4. What were some issues faced by those forced to relocate?
Evidence your claims: You should cite specific examples--either quotations or summations--from the assigned readings to support each of these points. Insert quotations to demonstrate your point and then CLEARLY EXPLAIN what that quotation or story/description demonstrates. All quotes must be cited with a footnote indicating the author, book, and page number. It is NOT necessary to use any additional outside resources. If you do so, however, you must include a bibliography. If you only use the assigned class readings, a bibliography is required.
Organization: I expect your papers to be thoughtful, organized, well-written, and properly evidenced. I will reward complex analysis and original arguments. The first paragraph of your essay should include your thesis statement--one or two sentences that concisely articulate your response to the essay questions. DO NOT waste space on long introductions. Get right to the point. Pay attention to how you organize your ideas within paragraphs and well as among paragraphs. Each paragraph should contain a topic sentence that summarizes the main/overall point of the paragraph. Your paper should have a brief conclusion including a recap of your thesis.