What were some consequences of spanish colonization

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133568725

Question: What were some consequences of Spanish colonization of the Americas? How was the New World connected to the Old World? Describe the plantation system created by the Portuguese and the Spaniards in the New World-- when did it begin and what happened as a result of this system?

Reference no: EM133568725

Questions Cloud

What happened to mary family and the other captives : What happened to Mary's family and the other captives? How did she find out about this? Why do the Indians say they did this?
Why do you think mary and her family chose to live : Why do you think Mary and her family chose to live in the backcountry? What happened to them one March morning in 1758?
How each element is operating and its effect on the podcast : Create an annotation for at least two rhetorical elements. Analyze how each element is operating and its effect on the podcast.
Describe the plantation system created by the portuguese : Describe the plantation system created by the Portuguese and the Spaniards in the New World-- when did it begin and what happened as a result of this system?
What were some consequences of spanish colonization : What were some consequences of Spanish colonization of the Americas? How was the New World connected to the Old World? Describe the plantation system created
What name was given to the first baby of english heritage : What name was given to the first baby of English heritage born in the New World? What was the first joint-stock company to launch a venture to the New World?
Provide an explanation for your point of view : Provide an explanation for your point of view, and use evidence from your text, notes, or outside research (where appropriate) to support your point.
What is the central problem that concerns the document : What is the central problem that concerns the document writer? How does the writer propose to solve the central problem that they identify?
Identify an injustice or inequity and then- using ideas : Identify an injustice or inequity and then - using ideas and skills from our course - develop your own effective way of addressing that inequity to make change.


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