What were genotypes of the parents

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM136593

Q1. A dominant sex-linked gene B produces white bars on black chickens, as seen in Barred Plymouth Rock breed. A clutch of chicks has equal numbers of black and barred chicks. (Sex is determined by the Z-W system in birds: ZZ are males, ZW are females.)

a.) If only females are found to be black, what were genotypes of the parents?

b.) If males and females are equally represented in the black and barred chick; what were genotypes of the parents?

Q2. You have just created the world's first genomic library from an African giraffe. You wish to isolate the gene encoding for muscle protein, myosin, from the genomic library of the giraffe. No gene from this animal has been previously isolated as well as amino acid sequences are available in the data base. Using this information, what two strategies can you use to isolate the giraffe's gene from its genomic library?

Reference no: EM136593

Questions Cloud

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