What were elements of helicopter parenting

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Reference no: EM133553016


Source: Helicopter Parenting: The Effect of an

Overbearing Caregiving Style on Peer

Attachment and Self-Efficacy

Daniel J. van Ingen, Stacy R. Freiheit, Jesse A. Steinfeldt, Linda L. Moore,

David J. Wimer, Adelle D. Knutt, Samantha Scapinello, and Amber Roberts

1. What were Elements of helicopter parenting (pp. 7-8)

2. What were Negative associations between helicopter parenting and children's development (pp. 8-10; 13-14)

Source: The New York Times

March 20, 2015

Clemens Wergin

The Case for Free-Range Parenting

3. What are the benefits of free-range parenting? What are the concerns with free-range parenting?

4. In your opinion, how much should the government interfere with parents choosing free-range parenting practices? What are your own thoughts and opinions on free range parenting?

Reference no: EM133553016

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