What were brandywines net income and total profit margin

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM13329528

Brandywine homecare, a not-for-profit business, had revenues of $12 million in 2004. Expenses other than depreciation totaled 75% of revenues, and depreciation expenses was $1.5 million. all revenues were collected in cash during the year and all expenses, other than depreciation, were paid in cash.

What were Brandywine's net income, total profit margin, and cash flow?

Reference no: EM13329528

Questions Cloud

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What were brandywines net income and total profit margin : Brandywine homecare, a not-for-profit business, had revenues of $12 million in 2004. Expenses other than depreciation totaled 75% of revenues, and depreciation expenses was $1.5 million.
Find the speed of the car as it hits the water : A 1200-kg car is being unloaded by a winch. At the moment shown in figure 9-46, the gearbox shaft of the winch breaks, and the car falls from rest. Find the speed of the car as it hits the water
What is the contribution margin per procedure point : Assume that a specialty group has the following cost structure and that the group expects to perform 7,500 procedures in the coming year: Fixed costs $500,000 Variable Cost per procedure $25
What are the final velocities of the particles : A particle of 8 kg with a veloctiy of 40 m/s hits a 40 kg particle that is at rest. The collision is elastic. What are the final velocities of the particles
What is the groups base case projected profit and loss : Assume that a specialty group has the following cost structure and that the group expects to perform 7,500 procedures in the coming year: Fixed costs $500,000 Variable Cost per procedure $25


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