What ways was judiciary designed to limit role of politics

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Reference no: EM133613548


The Founding Fathers wanted the federal courts to be protected from politics. In what ways was the judiciary designed to limit the role of politics? What criteria are examined when the Senate discusses and, ultimately, votes to con?rm or reject a presidential nomination? Provide examples. How did the emergence of political parties in the United States affect the role of politics in the federal courts (along this same line of nomination and confirmation of federal judges)?

Reference no: EM133613548

Questions Cloud

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What is media and the government in a functioning democracy : What is the expected relationship between the media and the government in a functioning democracy?
What ways was judiciary designed to limit role of politics : The Founding Fathers wanted the federal courts to be protected from politics. In what ways was the judiciary designed to limit the role of politics?
Do you believe the patriot act violates the fourth amendment : Do you believe the PATRIOT ACT violates the Fourth Amendment by allowing the government to access the private information of US citizens?
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Role of the agencies be in the mix of public opinion : More generally, what should the role of the agencies be in the mix of public opinion, activists, organized interest groups, lobbyists, political parties.


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