What ways is zeenas presence felt

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133332319


Answer the following questions:

1. In what ways is Zeena's presence felt, even though she is not physically there?

2. What elements of foreshadowing can you find in this chapter? (You obviously don't know the ending, but what from this chapter seems like an omen or hint of things to come?)

3. Ethan asks Mattie to come sit by him, and she proceeds to sit in Zeena's rocking chair. How does this affect Ethan? How does this affect Mattie?

4. After dinner, Ethan and Mattie are sitting around the stove just like Ethan imagined they would. Even though Ethan feels "an illusion of long established intimacy," he also feels Mattie is "infinitely farther away from him and more unapproachable" (Wharton 74). How can both of these things be true at once? Explain.

Reference no: EM133332319

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