What way of thinking is moving you to do what you are doing

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Reference no: EM133191229 , Length: 6 pages.



The purpose of this results-based leadership assignment is to enable you to apply the various concepts of leadership covered thus far by (i) reflecting upon your own commitment as a student, and (ii) formulating your demonstrated leadership style in relation to the results you are getting while at your university. In your response, you are required to use the appropriate literature to support your thinking.

House and Mitchell (1974) suggested that followers (students; you) will be motivated if they/you (i) think they/you are capable of performing their/your work, (ii) believe their/your efforts will result in a certain outcome, and (iii) believe that the payoff for doing their/your work is worthwhile.


In your paper, complete the following questions:

A. Future-focus: What outcome(s) do you envision for yourself at the end of this academic year?

B. Now-focus: What are the results that you are currently getting as a student at university and in this class? Are you satisfied with the results you are getting? Do you think you are capable of performing better? Please explain.

C. What are you currently doing to get the results you are getting? (Do not focus on what you are NOT doing, but rather on what you ARE doing)

D. What way of thinking is moving you to do what you are currently doing?

E. In direct relation to your current results, what traits, skills, and/or styles have you adopted either intentionally or unintentionally?

• Literature:

A. What specific concepts that you learned from either, traits, skills, behavior, Situational Leadership, Adaptive Leadership Theory and/or Path-Goal Theory of Leadership will aid you in improving, enhancing, or changing your approach to be the best student that you can be?

B. How will the concepts you identified help you be the best student that you can be?

• Action:

A. What specific actions will you now need to take to improve on or change your current practices for the sake of achieving what you envision for yourself?

B. What kind(s) of support will you need?

C. For the sake of achieving what you envision for yourself, what leadership style(s) and way(s) of thinking would you need to embrace?

Length: 6 pages.

Reference no: EM133191229

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