What was your favorite resource or topic that was covered

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Reference no: EM133539219

Discussion Post

This discussion post is an opportunity for you to explore topics that interest you; share critical insights and questions that you are working with; share your struggles and triumphs; and discuss difficulties that may have arisen this week. Your initial post should describe your experiences in the course this past week, prompting further discussion. Address at least two of the following questions:

Question 1. What is the most surprising thing you learned in this course?

Question 2. What insights have you had?

Question 3. What was your favorite resource or topic that was covered in this course?

Question 4. What was your least favorite resource or topic that was covered in this course?

Question 5. How will you apply what you learned in this course in your personal, school, or work life?

Reference no: EM133539219

Questions Cloud

Affect the timing of the acquisition : Describe at least two issues in the proposed arrangement that could affect the timing of the acquisition.
What is corroborating information : What is corroborating information? What role does it play in a client interview?
What are some concrete improvements for the group : What are some concrete improvements for this group that have been made through activism? What are some improvements that still need to be made?
Critically reflect on your implicit biases : Critically reflect on your implicit biases and privilege and explain how these may affect your social work practice. How do you think you can overcome them ?
What was your favorite resource or topic that was covered : What was your favorite resource or topic that was covered in this course? What was your least favorite resource or topic that was covered in this course?
National treaty with aboriginal and torres strait islander : A national treaty with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is one alternative to achieving Indigenous sovereignty.
Reflection on your communication practice : HEJ111 Communicating Sustainability, University of Tasmania - Reflection on your communication practice that explains how you designed your solution report
Discuss the police officer use of force in this incident : Discuss the police officer's use of force in this incident. What was the makeup of the jury? Was this a fair representation of the local area?
What are responsibilities of police officer supervisor : What are the responsibilities of the police officer supervisor? What types of training does a police officer supervisor require to be successful?


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