What was your direct contribution to this success

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Reference no: EM133570592 , Length: word count:1500

Agile Business Analysis

Assessment - Retrospective Storyboard

Learning Outcome 1: Communicate agile methods, processes and approaches with stakeholders in order to address organisational requirements.

Task Summary

In preparation for Assessment 3 - a group assessment - you are asked to take the time to do a personal retrospective on how working with your team has gone so far. The aim is for you to take stock of the current situation and think of creative ways to bring to team together to best achieve your goals and objectives for Assessment 3.

A key tool to help you is a storyboard. The aim of using a storyboard is to help you to do a personal retrospective reflection on how your tea work is progressing.

Working successfully as a team is core to Agile - no one hero can carry the team through complex projects. The whole team needs to pull together to achieve the best outcomes. Reflective and retrospectives enable changing how one is working, to help your team get better results.

Task Instructions

It is not expected that you are a talented artist - stick figures are more than adequate to help you tell your story.
You are free to use a storyboard template of your choosing and write whatever notes around the frame of what you have drawn to make your story clear. You will be expected to label team members by name.

The storyboard is meant to help you not hinder you, so be creative and use it to your best advantage. Watch this video for some tips:

Use the storyboard to illustrate an example of a team activity where you have worked together.
After you have completed the storyboard, it is time to do a personal retrospective reflection:
1. What went well -
a. What success has the team achieved together, whether it was the timely submission of team agreement, or arriving at a good cadence of team meetings - select something your team has done well.
b. Who contributed to this success and what did they do?
c. What was your direct contribution to this success?
2. What didn't go so well -
a. What opportunity does your team have to improve their performance?
b. Who in the team is helping, and who is holding you back.
3. What will I do differently next time -
a. What actions could be taken to achieve a more productive outcome.
b. What steps you are going to take next to achieve that positive outcome.

Report Structure
The submission is brief and therefore will NOT require an executive summary or abstract.

Title page: should include subject ID, subject name, assignment title, student's name, student number and lecturer's name.
Introduction (150-200 words): Also serve as your statement of purpose for the report. This means that you will tell the reader what you are going to cover in your report. You will need to inform the reader of:
1. The method you will use
2. The key concepts you will be addressing,
3. What the reader can expect to find in the body of your assessment response.

Body of the report (1100-1200 words):

1. What went well -
a. What success has the team achieved together, whether it was the timely submission of team agreement, or arriving at a good cadence of team meetings - select something your team has done well.
b. Who contributed to this success and what did they do?
c. What was your direct contribution to this success?

2. What didn't go so well -
a. What opportunity does your team have to improve their performance?
b. Who in the team is helping, and who is holding you back.
3. What will I do differently next time -
a. What actions could be taken to achieve a more productive outcome.
b. What steps you are going to take next to achieve that positive outcome.

Conclusion (150-200 words): summarise two recommendations that you plan to implement on the group project going forward to help the team to improve their performance and achievable grade outcome.


• The written component of this assessment should use font Arial or Calibri 11 point, should be line spaced at 1.5 for ease of reading and page numbers on the bottom of each page.
• With the required diagrams due attention should be given to pagination to avoid loss of meaning and continuity by unnecessarily splitting information over two pages. Diagrams must carry the appropriate captioning.

References are not required for this assessment.

Reference no: EM133570592

Questions Cloud

Describe the ethical precautions : Describe the ethical precautions researchers must take when conducting research involving children.
Your service are experiencing complex mental health : Imagine that you are working as case manager in mental health support service. Many of clients attending your service are experiencing complex mental health
Discuss the physical and environmental controls : Discuss the overall integration of the topic, including laws, regulations, and standards that topic will need to meet as it is introduced into an organizati
Impact of technology on those diagnosed with autism : Based on the videos, what have you learned about the impact of technology on those diagnosed with autism?
What was your direct contribution to this success : Communicate agile methods, processes and approaches with stakeholders in order to address organisational requirements
Propose lean operations strategy that will enable operation : Propose a lean operations strategy that will enable the operation to eliminate waste, lower production cost, and maintain quality products.
Do you think this makes environmental epidemiology elitist : Do you think this makes environmental epidemiology elitist? Is it only available as a concern to those who can afford it?
Describe the role of the nurse leader you interviewed : Provide one example of a recent evidence-based practice initiative shared by the nurse leader in the emergency department?
Scientific study of motivation and emotion : The textbook offers ten unifying themes for the scientific study of motivation and emotion. Select one theme and briefly explain it.



11/15/2023 1:43:19 AM

Hello, in the attachment sent I have a brief and a couple of helpful modules. Can you please help me to finish this assessment please. In the brief says about storyboard that we should talk about some question with groupmates. Just ignore that can we do that made up about the story board just our own answers

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