What was threat to ottoman state during nineteenth century

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133409655


"Weakened by internal strife and unable to prevent European rivals from whittling away its territories, the Ottoman Empire appeared near disintegration. But in the late eighteenth century, able Ottoman rulers and committed reformers devised strategies that slowed the decline of the empire and the advance of the European powers. In the towns, the position of the artisan workers deteriorated because of competition from imported manufactures from Europe.

Particularly in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, this led to urban riots in which members of artisan guilds and young men's associations often took a leading role. Merchants within the empire, especially those who belonged to minority religious communities such as the Jews and Christians, grew more and more dependent on commercial dealings with their European counterparts. This pattern accelerated the influx of Western manufactured goods that was steadily undermining handicraft industries within the empire. In this way, Ottoman economic dependence on some of its most threatening European political rivals increased alarmingly."

In addition to the developments described in the passage, what was an additional threat to the Ottoman state during the nineteenth century?

-The growing power of Christian communities within the Ottoman Empire

-The rise of nationalism in the Balkans

-Competition with their Shia Muslim neighbors

-The modernization of the Qing military.

Reference no: EM133409655

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