What was their life-experience-culture like

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133732299


Spend time going through the interactive materials - let your interests lead you! Gather the facts about your site visit and then use a critical lens to think about how what you have learned is important/has influenced the US today. Use journalist questions to help you. For example:

  • Who lived in this site?
  • What was their life/experience/culture like?
  • When was this happening? What else was happening in the world at this time?
  • How did this culture/event relate to or influence early US history?


After visiting your virtual field trip site, use the questions above to help you write a summary describing what you learned. Make certain to write in complete sentences and not to simply answer the questions listed above and make certain to post the URL to your field trip site.

You will also need to create 1-2 thought questions related to your visit. A thought question is something that helps others think more deeply about a topic. For example if you are visiting medieval Europe, you might have a question like this:

How do you think religious beliefs influenced people in medieval Europe?

Early Civilizations: Teotihuacan Mexico

Reference no: EM133732299

Questions Cloud

What important rule was the presenter violating : What important rule was the presenter violating during the entire video?
Which of gardens do the gardens of 19th century fulfill : The 19th Century Ends Jul 6 Which of the five "meanings" of gardens do the gardens of the 19th century fulfill (it could well be more than one meaning)?
Define the terms slavery and involuntary servitude : How does Black's Law Dictionary define the terms "Slavery" and "Involuntary Servitude?"
How many states have introduced legislation : 1. According to Taylor, how many states have introduced legislation that would make it easier to remove materials from library shelves?
What was their life-experience-culture like : What was their life/experience/culture like? When was this happening? What else was happening in the world at this time?
How does kakhovsky portray the vienna settlement : How does Kakhovsky portray the Vienna Settlement and its impact on European Society and politics?
Describe the statue of liberty museum : Please describe where your History Week Project Findings, the Statue of Liberty Museum, fits with the American History learned with this course?
Which led to a drastic increase in secularization : The Scientific Revolution encouraged a rational approach to studying the natural world which led to a drastic increase in secularization.
Critiques of cold war technology : In response to critiques of Cold War technology, which branch of MIT dropped most of its military contracts to focus on civilian research such as air pollution?


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