What was the volume of digital evidence

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM13780444

Select a real world event related to Cybersecurity. This could be a crime, a well-documented breach or intrusion, or an act of cyber warfare/espionage.Needs to be 10 pages.APA format along with no plagiarism. Will be run through plagiarism site turnitin.com

- Provide a summary of the event

- How was the event detected

- What were the key pieces of digital evidence/indicators

- What was the volume of digital evidence

- Attribution (was the event linked to an individual/ govt. etc)

You can select any event; however you need to ensure there are sufficient sources available for producing a graduate level paper. You should identify and cite multiple sources of information/data (journals, articles, books). Do not submit a research paper without sources to support your position/findings.

Reference no: EM13780444

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