What was the us strategy where they used airpower

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133730190


1. Name the Author who wrote the "Grapes of Wrath" and "Of Mice and Men" depicting the time during the Great Depression?

2. What was FDR's plan called to add 6 more justices to the Supreme Court?

3. What bill was introduced in Congress on January 10, 1941 which authorized the President to lend or lease military supplies to any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the U.S.?

4. What was passed by Congress in 1942 which raised the tax rates and increased the number of taxpayers to help raise money to cover the cost of the War?

5. Name the African American writer who escaped the racism of the south, became a Communist from 1934-44 and wrote the book "Naïve Son".

6. What was the Allied assault against the Germans at Normandy in order to take back France and is also the official name for D-Day?

7. What was the U.S. strategy where they used airpower and sea power to neutralize Japanese strongholds on the Pacific Islands rather than using ground troops?

8. Give the nickname of the court case in New York that dealt with intrastate commerce over Interstate commerce and would have the courts declare the NIRA to be unconstitutional?

9. What was the secret meeting between FDR and Churchill held in Newfoundland where they drew up a joint statement of "common principle" and after the final destruction of Nazi Germany they would set up a new system of security?

10. What was the effort called that was started by African Americans and the Pittsburgh Courier newspaper telling them to promote Civil Rights while also supporting the war effort?

11. What was the battle where the Japanese kamikaze pilots were first used and where Japan lost New Guinea, the Mariana Islands and the Philippines to the U.S. and became the largest naval battle in History?

12. What was the name of the Belgian town where the Battle of the Bulge took place?

13. Where did the empire of Japan attack on April 7, 1941 which became known as the "Day of Infamy" and changed the mines of all isolationists and plunged the U.S. into WWII?

14. What was the program that sought to rise prices for crops and herds by paying farmers to reduce production?

15. What were the people called that moved from Oklahoma to California in search of a better life only to face prejudice and hostility?

16. With the millions of men going to serve in the war, women started to fill military roles and nearly two hundred thousand women started what group?

17. What were the Native American soldiers called who were used by the Military to send coded messengers in their Navajos language so the Japanese and Germans did not know what we were doing?

18. What set the minimum wage at 40 cents a week and a maximum work week of 40 hours?

19. What was created in June 1940 to coordinate military research which included a top-secret effort to develop an atomic bomb and the Manhattan Project?

20. What was it called when the U.S. government violated all civil liberties and forcibly removed Japanese families from their homes and businesses and placed them in relocation camps in the interior of the U.S.?

21. The Neutrality Act of __________ prohibited Americans from traveling on ships owned by nations at war and also forbade the sale of arms and munitions to any belligerent nations?

22. What did Hitler and the Germans call their plan to exterminate the Jewish people?

23. In 1942 what was created to help convert the industrial manufacturing of the U.S. to war production?

24. What department did Congress allow to set price ceilings on goods to help stop the fear of inflation on consumer goods during WWII?

25. Who would be the commander of the American and British troops in Morocco and Algeria off the North African coast and later command the Allied forces in the D-Day assault?

26. What was it called when a drought settled into the plains states between 1932 and 1935 and also helped reduce production?

27. What was the name of the African American group of airmen who ended up flying over fifteen thousand missions during the war?

28. What were FDR's programs called that help address the acute debt problems faced by farmers and homeowners?

29. The Neutrality Act of __________ allowed Britain and France to send their own freighters to the U.S. to buy military supplies.

30. What was it called when FDR, Churchill and Stalin met in February 1945 to shape the postwar world in Europe and a defeated Germany?

31. What Japanese city did the Enola Gay release a 5 ton, ten foot long Atomic Bomb nicknamed "Little Boy" on August 6, 1945?

32. What was the battle called where German submarines used French ports to sink Allied freighters and tankers headed to England with supplies so the Allied forces used sonar and radars to help sink 783 German submarines?

33. The Neutrality Act of __________ allowed the President to require that goods other than arms or munitions exported to warring nations be sold on a cash and carry basis?

34. What was created to support the rights of working-class Americans, guaranteeing workers the right to organize unions and bargain with management?

35. Name FDR's wife and became one of the most influential women and revered leaders of the time?

36. What was the time from March 9 to June 16 called that began FDR's New Deal legislation?

37. Name the Senator from Louisiana nicknamed the "kingfish" who was a shrewd lawyer and disliked politician and tried to start his "Share-the-Wealth Society'' to deal with the Great Depression?

38. What gave the President far-reaching authority to reorganize and create government agencies, regulate business and industry and even censor mail and other forms of communication?

39. What were FDR's efforts called where he would continue to promote peace in the Western Hemisphere, where he would see the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Nicaragua and Haiti along with negotiating with Cuba for a treaty to dissolve the Platt Amendment?

40. In 1938 the House of Representatives set up a committee to watch Un-American Activities and take a hard stand against communism, who was the chairman of this committee?

Reference no: EM133730190

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