Reference no: EM13773295
Question 1: When the Sky Marshal program was put into effect, the Nixon administration's plan was to put U.S. agents on every "threatened" flight. This did not work because:
A. installing electronic equipment was a greater priority.
B. not enough agents volunteered for the program.
C. it simply was not possible to put agents on every "threatened" flight.
D. the airlines did not want armed agents with guns on their aircraft.
Question 2: Since September 11, 2001, the U.S. government has decided to force all aircraft flying through its airspace to:
A. have armed agents on board.
B. make the flight deck doors virtually impenetrable.
C. make passenger lists available for U.S. inspection.
D. land in the U.S. for U.S. inspection.
Question 3: Experts claim that profiling should be used to separate passengers into two groups. The two groups include those who present little or no risk and:
A. those who merit additional attention from the appropriate security personnel.
B. all foreigners who come from a ‘targeted' country.
C. all frequent flyers who also have one-way tickets.
D. people who buy their tickets the same day they fly.
Question 4: The TSA tracks the flight path of each airline with an Air Marshal aboard by:
A. having each Air Marshal carry a portable Global Positioning System.
B. using computer generated maps.
C. using a micro-transmitter implanted on the Air Marshal's clothing.
D. confirming with the flight crew that an Air Marshal is on board.
Question 5: In 1976, Israeli commandos rescued 103 passengers in a daring raid at the Ugandan Airport in Entebbe. The Israelis set the tone for any future attempts on their citizens or aircraft. They now have:
A. a rescue team on all flights.
B. all passengers strip searched before departure.
C. soldiers on all flights.
D. the most stringent aircraft/airport security in the world.
Question 6: In one of the most infamous hijackings, two Lebanese Shi'ite Muslim terrorists boarded TWA Flight 847 on June 14, 1985. What two international organizations/agreements failed in their attempt to bring the terrorists to justice?
B. United Nations and Hijacking Convention
C. The Hague and Montreal Conventions
D. The Hague and Tokyo Summit
Question 7: After the Lockerbie bombing, what new security reconciliation program did the President's Commission recommend?
A. Ticket/baggage reconciliation
B. Passenger/seat reconciliation
C. Baggage/destination reconciliation
D. Passenger/baggage reconciliation
Question 8: The airlines have repeatedly argued that the cost of security to protect the flying public from terrorism should be financed by:
A. all Americans.
B. the nations airports.
C. the federal government.
D. the flying public.
Question 9: International terrorism involves groups or individuals whose terrorist activities are foreign based and directed by countries or groups outside the U.S. or whose:
A. activities create an atmosphere of fear.
B. activities are intended to create panic.
C. activities focus on violence to innocent bystanders.
D. activities transcend national boundaries.
Question 10: Black September, a militant faction of the PLO, attacked Israeli athletes during which Olympic Games?
A. Munich Olympics
B. Montreal Olympics
C. Mexico Olympics
D. Moscow Olympics
Question 11: The terrorist group Hamas claims to want to destroy two enemies, Israel and:
A. the United States.
B. Yassar Arafat.
C. all Jews around the world.
D. anyone who recognizes Israel.
Question 12: The Iranian government is one of the biggest supporters of terrorism. The nation began its support of terror with the group calling itself:
A. the PLO.
B. Hezbollah.
C. al-Q'aeda.
D. the SAVAK.
Question 13: Usama bin Ladin is the leader of the terrorist organization named al-Q'aeda. What is so unique about this leader and his cause?
A. His cause seeks to destroy Israel and the U.S.
B. His cause is purely anti-western.
C. His cause wants to convert the world to Islam.
D. His cause is seeking world domination.
Question 14: The controversial book, The Concept of the Urban Guerrilla, was written by which co-founder of the Baader-Meinhof Gang?
A. Andreas Baader
B. Gudrun Ensslin
C. Ulricke Meinhof
D. Margherita Cagol
Question 15: The Italian terrorist group, Red Brigade, had literally perfected:
A. the art of kidnapping.
B. insurance company scams.
C. a series of terrorist attacks.
D. the recruitment of new members.
Question 16: After defeating the Irish, the British Military made a gigantic mistake. They executed the Irish Republican leaders creating:
A. the Irish Republican Army.
B. martyrs for the cause.
C. civil unrest in Ireland.
D. Bloody Sunday.
Question 17: The Aum Shinrikyo is a Japanese terrorist group that is notorious for being the first terrorists to use a chemical agent in a terrorist attack. What was the ultimate mission of the Aum Shinrikyo?
A. To destroy the Tokyo subway system
B. To destroy the Japanese government
C. To destroy public transportation
D. To destroy all non-Aum Shinrikyo members
Question 18: In 1996, the terrorist group Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement stormed the Japanese Ambassador's residence where four hundred foreign diplomats had just sat down for dinner. It was an audacious attack that reminded security forces around the world that diplomats:
A. are high-risk targets for those seeking media attention.
B. are empowered with diplomatic immunity.
C. should have their own personal security force.
D. pose a special security risk.
Question 19: The Peruvian terrorist group Shining Path, led by Abimael Guzman, is a highly successful insurgent group bent on creating:
A. chaos and anarchy in Peru.
B. class warfare in Peru.
C. a third political party in Peru.
D. a classless society in Peru.
Question 20: The ability for terrorist organizations to use chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons to further their causes is growing. Given the technology that we have today, what are the most lethal agents?
A. Chemical and nuclear weapons
B. Nuclear and biological weapons
C. Biological and chemical weapons
D. Biological and military explosive weapons.