What was the trend in capital expenditures

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Reference no: EM132735395

HI5020 Corporate Accounting - Holmes Institute

Assessment - Issues in Cash Flow Statement

Purpose: This assignment aims at developing a clear understanding of students about income statement and cash flows statement; and use of cash flow statement to comprehend different key business decisions taken by the management. They will have to consult relevant literature and demonstrate understanding of key concepts. As part of their assignment, they will also conduct an empirical analysis on cash flow statement.

Assessment task:

Part A
Review the existing literature to critically examine the relative information content of the income statement and the statement of cash flows. Why do investors find both income statement and statement of cash flows useful?

Part B
Download the annual financial reports of BHP Ltd, Santos Ltd, and Funtastic Ltd for the year 2019, 2018 and 2017. Examine the consolidated Cash Flow Statements for each companies across three years. Answer the following questions about each of the three cash-flow statements.

1. For each companies [except mentioned otherwise as in c), g) and i) below], across three years on the Statement of Cash Flows discuss:
a) What are the major sources of cash for each firm? What are the major uses of cash for each firm?
b) What was the trend in cash flow from (continuing) operations for each firm?
c) Compare and contrast the cash flow from operations with the net profit after tax in income statement. Explain in detail the major reasons for the difference between these two figures. (Answer this question using only the Cash flow statement for BHP Limited).
d) Was the firm able to generate enough cash from operations to pay for all of its capital expenditures?
e) Did the cash flow from operations cover the dividend payment made by the firm (if any)?
f) If the firm has generated excess cash from operations, how did the firm invest the excess cash? If not, what were the sources of cash the firm used to pay for the capital expenditures and/or dividends?
g) Did the firm use the working capital (current asset and current liability) accounts other than cash and cash equivalents as sources of cash, or uses of cash? (Answer this question using only the Cash flow statement for BHP Limited).
h) What other major items affected cash flows for each firm?
i) What was the trend in capital expenditures for each firm?
j) What was the trend in dividends (if any) for each firm?
k) What was the trend in net borrowing (proceeds from borrowing less payments of short- and long-term debt) for each firm?
l) What was the trend in working capital accounts? (Answer this question using only the Cash flow statement for BHP Limited).

2. Critically evaluate the financial strength of each of the three companies based on the evidence presented in the Statement of Cash Flows, and your answers in (1) above.

3. If you are asked to evaluate these three companies for lending purposes, which of the three companies you will select for lending? Explain Why.

Assignment Structure should be as the following:

Abstract - One paragraph List of Content Introduction
Body of the assignment with detailed answer on each of the required tasks Summary/Conclusion
List of references

Instruction for video presentation:

Based on your written assignment, you will have to make a summary video presentation ranging for 10 minutes. Your presentation should explain the assignment tasks and your key findings. You will have to upload the presentation in YouTube and submit the YouTube link in the blackboard so that the marker can watch and mark your presentation.

Attachment:- Issues in Cash Flow Statement.rar

Reference no: EM132735395

Questions Cloud

Lab scale processes and industrial scale protein production : What differences exist between lab scale processes and industrial scale protein production processes
What methods might be more suitable for bacteria : 1) What methods are similar in bringing fungal and bacterial specimens from a particular body site?
Describe the role of the it professional you interviewed : Describe the role of the IT professional you interviewed within the health care organization where the IT professional works. Summarize the main talking points.
Describe the steps involved in phagocytosis in the humanbody : Condense your description to 4 sequential steps. include in your description the role of cytokines, margination, diapedesis, phagosome, and phagolysosomes
What was the trend in capital expenditures : What was the trend in capital expenditures for each firm and What was the trend in working capital accounts? (Answer this question using only the Cash flow
How that evidence relates to your criminal investigation : Write in narrative form in your paper and include any evidence you might collect from the suspect or the victim and how that evidence relates to your criminal.
How theories can be applied to the life of willie boskett : Write an 8 paged paper on the book "All God's children" by fox Butterfeild. discuss how any two theories can be applied to the life of Willie Boskett.
What are the four basic types of protozoa : #1. What are the four basic types of protozoa #2. what is the difference between Penicillum and Aspergillus reproductive spores?
Compare and contrast the two policy recommendations : Prepare a professional policy memo to the criminal justice committee outlining the actions to be taken, funding sources, and implementation challenges.


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