What was the total amount of all purchases by speed racer

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM131695118



Using SQL Developer, create an ER Diagram representing the invoices below.

Normalize the schema.

Engineer a relational schema from the ER diagram (Logical Model).

Generate the DDL for the schema.

Execute the DDL in SQL Developer to create the database.

Populate the tables with data taken from the invoices.

Develop SQL to answer these two queries:
How many parts did Jim Shoe purchase in November, 2006?
What was the total amount of all purchases by Speed Racer?

Please submit:
1. ER Diagram
2. DDL
3. SQL queries
4. Output from the query execution (may be a screen shot).

Attachment:- SQL-Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM131695118

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