What was the specific impact on the cost of both approaches

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM133715586 , Length: word count:1500

Agile Project Management

Research Report on Agile

Learning Outcome 1: Undertake research to demonstrate an understanding of Agile concepts, tools and techniques.

Assessment Task



Body of the report: Ensure that the body of your report addresses the following questions. You don't have to repeat the questions in the report, provide a brief title before answering each question.

Question 1: VUCA.
To answer this question, you need to read this article. You can find it for free in the Torren online library:

After reading this article:
Select an organisation. It can be either your workplace or Torrens University. Shortly, specify which organisation you have chosen.
Select one dimension of VUCA.
Read the section titled "Sending, Assessing, and Monitoring VUCA" on page 3. Find "Table 1 The VUCA Audit" on page 3, then go to the section with the heading "To get a sense of one's own sensing and monitoring behaviours... ". Using the four questions provided here, explain how well you are sensing and monitoring the VUCA dimension that you have chosen within your organisation, and what you are doing to mitigate the impact of this VUCA dimension on your success.
Read the section titled "Implement Agility-Enhancement Practices" on page 5. Discuss one agility-enhancing practice that you can employ to help you mitigate the impact of this VUCA dimension on your success.

Question 2: The Agile Manifesto
The Agile Manifesto is not a rule book but rather a philosophy or set of patterns designed to help achieve good results. In the Agile world, the term 'anti-pattern' refers to practices that are not considered helpful. Below is a list of anti-patterns that contradict the principles of the Agile Manifesto. For each statement, identify at least one Agile principle it contradicts AND explain your reasoning.
Statement A. ‘Don't tell the business; if they see what we are delivering they will want to make changes. Rather let's get our work done so we can deliver on time.'
Statement B. ‘We have produced 5000 lines of code, we have been very busy. We have made lots of
progress even if it isn't working yet.'
Statement C. ‘Don't worry, we can push the team to work all night in a big push at the end, we will
get there.'
Statement D. ‘We don't have time for retrospectives and reflection; we know what we are doing.'
Avoid referencing Agile principles using numerical identifiers like ‘Principle 1' or ‘Principle 2'; instead,
write out the entire principle or part of it, like "Our highest priority is to ...".
Remember: You need to include references; this is NOT a creative writing exercise.

Question 3: The Case for Agile
To answer this question, you need to read the Cutter Consortium case. You can find it for free at the link below. Make sure to read Chapter 3, pages 26-28.
Measey, P. (2015). Agile foundations: Principles, practices and frameworks. BCS Learning & Development Limited.

Which Agile approach is Cutter Consortium - example 1 aligned with? Use evidence from Table
to support your response.
Which Agile approach is Cutter Consortium - example 2 aligned with? Use evidence from Table
to support your response.
What is the specific impact on the quality of both approaches? Include specific figures to back your position and explain why you believe this quality outcome was achieved.
What was the specific impact on the cost of both approaches? Include specific figures to back your position and explain why you believe this cost outcome was achieved.
What was the specific impact on the time to deliver both approaches? Include specific figures to back your position and explain why you believe this time outcome was achieved.
Why do you believe these Agile approaches have these effects?
You must refer to the facts and figures as discussed in the case study and relate them to the iterative cycles of the case study.
Question 4: Scrum and Kanban
To address this question, you need to read pages 148 - 152 of Measey's (2015) work, which is available through the Torren online library: Measey, P. (2015). Agile foundations: Principles, practices and frameworks. UK: BCS Learning & Development Ltd.

This exercise is designed to help you understand theory better by doing practical activities. You'll need to use your imagination and assumptions.
Picture yourself as a member of a small startup team consisting of five members. This Friday, a major client is visiting for a project review. Your task is to make sure the workspace is organised and that all project materials are ready for presentation.
Use the Kanban board layout described in Rose (2018) and draw a Kanban board with at least five cards. These cards will help you plan what tasks your team need to do for client visits.
Using the six core Kanban practices, explain how you will use this Kanban board with your team members to get work done.
Question 5: The Influence of Lean on Agile philosophy and practice
Muda, Mura & Muri are a very well-known Lean philosophy that originated in Lean manufacturing.
Explain what each of these three terms refers to AND provide a real-life example for each from your own experience.
Looking at MUDA, which Agile principle from the Agile Manifesto would combat MUDA and explain why.
Looking at MURA, which Agile principle from the Agile Manifesto would combat MURA and explain why.
Looking at MURI, which Agile principle from the Agile Manifesto would combat MURI and explain why.
Avoid referencing Agile principles using numerical identifiers like ‘Principle 1' or ‘Principle 2'; instead, write out the entire principle or part of it, like "Our highest priority is to ...".

Reference list
All referenced material must be properly cited using the APA referencing guide, including academic sources, books, magazine sources, web sources, images, tables, figures and any other material that is not your work.

Reference no: EM133715586

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