What was the significance of the sino-japanese war for china

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM13724681

Problem 1-

1) Was the Opium War a turning point in Chinese history? Why or why not?

2) What was the significance of the Sino-Japanese War for China? For Japan? Why? Was its impact of lesser or greater importance than the later Russo-Japanese War? Why?

3) What were the causes and consequences of the Russo-Japanese War? For Japan? For Russia? For China?

Problem 2-

1) Considering the possible causes and events, was World War I inevitable? Why or why not? If inevitable, from what date or from what event was there no turning back?

2) Were the Russian Revolutions of 1917 inevitable? Why or why not?

3) What did "the winners" win in the Great War? And what did they lose?

Problem 3-

1) Could Gandhi's non-violence and civil disobedience have succeeded against Hitler's Germany or Stalin's Soviet Union? If so, how? If not, why not?

2) Would Marx, or Lenin, or Stalin have approved of Mao's "road to socialism"? Why and/or why not?

3) Generally speaking, how did the early twentieth century transform the status of women in the countries considered in this chapter? To what degree were these transformations enduring changes? In what ways did tradition continue to shape the female status in the various societies?

Problem 4-

1) Compare and contrast the authoritarianism of Stalin's Soviet Union with that of Hitler's Germany. What are the similarities and what are the differences between the two regimes? Was one more totalitarian than the other? Why and how?

2) Why were militarists able to gain and exert so much power in Japan in the 1930s? Did their control of government make the Pacific phase of World War II inevitable? Explain.

3) What were the underlying causes of World War II, and what specific steps taken by Nazi Germany and Japan led to war? What were the main events of World War II in Europe and Asia? What was the crucial year in determining the outcome of World War II, and why?

Instructions: Remember this assignment is only to be done in case you fail the exam or think that you did. Only you know if you studied or if you did not. Therefore it is completely up to you, to complete this assignment or not. However, if you choose to do this assignment, you must submit it by the due date listed on the syllabus, no exceptions!This is for a significant amount of points and will have many requirements that you must include in order to given consideration. Just because you complete the paper does not mean you will receive all of the possible points. You will have to earn them! So, hard workers lets work hard.

1) The paper should be no less than 3 full pages and no more than 7 full pages. What does this mean? This means in text pages. Your title page and reference pages do not count as part of the page requirements.Your paper should be typed in 13-14 point font. All pages will have a page number on the top right of the page. Failure to do this will result in loss of points.

2) This paper is to be done in APA format. If you do not know what this means, get online, go to Google. Type in APA format and there are numerous sources for you to use. My recommendation, is to use a site from place of higher education like another college or University. No Wiki-sites at all! Anything Wiki, will not be considered a valid source or reference. Failure to do this will result in loss of points.

3) You must have a Title Page with the following; Your full name, the date of completion, the Title of the paper (if nothing given then simply list as Extra Credit paper #1), name of the College and course and finally my name. This should be in the center of the page and 12-13 point font. Failure to have this will result in loss of points.

4) Depending on the subject you choose to write your paper on, you will need to validate your paper. This is done with references both primary and secondary. Primary references are firsthand accounts of the events take by people who either lived in that time or were there themselves. So for example, if you are writing about the Founding of Ancient Chinese Society, since writing had not been invented yet, there are no Primary sources for such an event. Secondary references are written or collected after the fact. These are written by people long after the event took place.

So, using the previous example, the only types of sources available for the Bering Strait crossing are secondary references. The Ancient Chinese Foundation is only an example please do not write your paper about it because you read me using it. You must pick an original subject to write your paper on. However, I am Sinologist (Chinese Historian) and it's not a bad topic idea!

5) How many references are required? No less than six and no more than 10. Two of these references must come from a source that comes from the library on campus and you must have the librarian sign that you in fact did get these sources from our library. The Librarian will give you a receipt and that must be included with your paper. Your textbook does NOT count as a reference source! The rest of your sources may come from the Internet or any other source you wish. (No Wiki at all!). I recommend that you divide your sources in half and do half primary and the other half secondary. You must list all reference sources on your reference page. Failure to do any of the preceding will result in a loss of points.

6) The subject of your paper can be any topic covered in the exam spectrum. This means so long as it comes from the time period covered on the exam. You are good to go. If you hand me a paper about The Roman Republic. You did not read the directions correctly and the paper will not be accepted. Seriously folks, I hope you are reading this thing!

7) The paper is worth 15%. What this means is that you can make up for a significant loss on the exam. The exam is worth 25%, if you fail or don't do as well this paper can really be a way to help your GPA. However, you must do your absolute best on this paper. This is where you really want to impress and show your academic savoy. Your score on this paper will be in line with the effort put in. If you are not careful and do not follow the requirements listed above; you can bomb this paper! Just because you do it does not mean you will get all the points available. If you any questions about any of this, please get in contact with me as soon as possible.

Reference no: EM13724681

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