Reference no: EM132187297
Questions on the readings
Chapter 6
What kinds of sources does Mann cite in his description of the Armenian genocide?
What were Young Turks' plans A, B, C, D and why did the Young Turks move from one to another?
How did the Young Turk leaders justify the decision to deport the Armenians?
Which types of the perpetrators can one find among the Ottoman elites involved in the Armenian genocide?What was the role of the local civil officials?
Which types of non-elite perpetrators were involved at different stages of the genocide?
What was the role of the army in the genocide? What groups within the army were more involved into it than others?
What was the role of the Social Forces in the genocide and what kinds of people composed them? What motives did they have?
What was the ordinary Turks' attitude towards and role in the Armenian genocide? What was the attitude of different Muslim minorities towards the Armenian deportees?
What factors could motivate some of the ordinary Muslims to participate in the genocide?
What was the role of Islam in the genocide?
How would you describe the role of the German allies of the Young Turks in the Armenian genocide?
What role did the actions of the Entente powers play in the genocide?
What similarities and what differences can one identify between the Armenian genocide and the Holocaust?
What impact did the Armenian genocide have (or fail to have) upon subsequent history of Europe and the broader world?