What was the reason for lauren collapse during the race

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Reference no: EM133572591

Case Study: Lauren was competing in her ?rst ironwoman-distance triathlon, a 140.6-mile race consisting of 2.4 miles of swimming, 112 miles of cycling, and 26.2 miles of running. At mile 22 of the run, approximately 16 hours after starting the race, she collapsed. After being admitted to the medical tent, Lauren complained of nausea, a headache and general fatigue. The medical staff noted that Lauren's face and clothing were covered in white crystals. When they weighed her and compared that value with her pre-race weight recorded at registration, they realized Lauren had gained 2 kg during the race. The medical staff was concerned with Lauren's large weight increase during the race. They asked her to recall what she ate and drank during the race. She reported that to avoid getting dehydrated in the warm weather, she had drunk large quantities of water in addition to sports gel and sports drinks containing carbohydrates and electrolytes. The medical staff analyzed Lauren's blood for electrolyte concentrations. Her serum Na+ concentration was 124 mEq/L


1. What is the normal range of sodium concentration in the extracellular ?uid?

2. What was the reason for Lauren's collapse during the race?

3. Based on the given information, give a reason for why her weight increased during the race.

4. Why was the medical staff concerned about Lauren's weight gain?

5. What will Lauren's treatment be?

Reference no: EM133572591

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