Reference no: EM132253371
Question: For the purpose of this term paper you are to choose two educational systems from two different countries and compare and contrast them.
Outline: Cover page: the template for this paper is posted on Moodle
Abstract: a brief overview of the paper and its purpose (no more than 1 paragraph) 5-7-page body:
• Introduce, give a historical background of each educational system o Go into details of each educational system individually
• Consider, what was the rationale for each system?
• Consider,whowerethepioneers?
• Consider, were there key theorists who helped build the educational system?
• Consider, how does the system work? How are children adapting?
• Compare and contrast the education systems. How are they similar? How do they differ?
• Give important facts, evidence, details
• Finally, what is your own interpretation of the educational systems? Give your analysis and opinion.
Conclusion: summary of your paper
Reference Page: List your references using APA format
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