Reference no: EM132187299
Questions on chapter 12
What was the attitude of the Allied political leaders toward ethnic cleansing that took place at the end of WWII? Do you find this attitude justified?
What forms of ethnic conflict accompanied and followed the collapse of the Soviet Union?
Mann refuses to see the ethnic cleansings that took place in Yugoslavia during the 1990s as the product of ancient hatreds. What are his arguments?
What factors explain the victory of organic nationalists in virtually all republics of Yugoslavia in 1990?
What was the position of the Serbs within Yugoslavia? What kinds of "threats" were there for the Serbs by the 1980s? How did the Serb leaders respond to these threats?
Why the Serbian-Croat tensions at the end of the Communist Yugoslavia were stronger than the Serbian-Slovenian, Serbian-Montenegrin or Serbian Macedonian tensions? What were the attitudes of the Montenegrins and the Macedonians towards the Yugoslav federation?
How did Slobodan Milosevic's political attitudes and program evolve over the later 1980s?Who were his core supporters? What were his plans A and B?
Why did the Serbs let the Slovenians go yet fought to keep Croatia inside the Yugoslav federation?
What were the basic ideas of Franjo Tudjman? How do they compare to those of Milosevic? What were the differences between the two leaders?
Questions on chapter 13
How did the situation evolve on the ground at the time when the Croatian and Serbian leadership became open in 1990 - 1991?
What were the general characteristics of the first outbreaks of violence between the Serbs and the Croats in 1991? What was their political impact?
Mann argued that within both the Serb and the Croat communities there were radicals and the moderates. How does he explain that the former prevailed over the latter?
What considerations pushed Milosevic to be the first one to resort to military against the Croats in 1991?
What were Milosevic's core constituencies? What were their characteristics?
How would you describe Milosevic's system during the war years? Was it a party-state?
What were Milosevic's plan A, B, C, and D and what factors explain the transition from one to the next?
How can one explain that Kosovo region that displayed the highest ethnic tensions during the 1970s and 1980s remained relatively calm for much of the 1990s? What explains the explosion of the ethnic conflict in Kosovo in the late 1990s?
How do the Serbian actions in Kosovo compare to their actions in Croatia and Bosnia?
What was the attitude of ordinary Serbs towards the actions of Serbian leadership?
What were the general characteristics of the lower level Serbian war criminals condemned by the Hague tribunal?
How do the Croatian atrocities against the Bosnian Muslim's compare to those of the Serbs against Croats and Muslims? What were the motivations of the Croatian commanders of the Lasva valley who cleansed the local Muslims?
How do the Muslims atrocities compare to the Serb and the Croatian ones?
What general characteristics do the Yugoslav perpetrators of murderous ethnic cleansings demonstrate?