Reference no: EM133376776
Provide a brief background on Bernard Madoff (biography) and the Ponzi Scheme.
How does the Fraud Triangle apply to this scandal?
What was the perceived pressure and opportunity? How did he rationalize his actions over decades?
Draft a formal timeline of the events that took place as part of the Ponzi Scheme.
What strategies and investigative techniques were used to uncover the fraud?
How could this Ponzi Scheme have been avoided and stopped? What were the initial internal control weaknesses? What accounting practices could have been followed?
Why was this scandal considered unethical and immoral? How did this scandal impact the global community?
What lessons were learned by local, state, and federal law enforcement due to this scandal?
What lessons were learned by the Securities and Exchange Commission due to this scandal?
What policies and processes were changed at the SEC after this scandal?
How were Bernard Madoff's assets liquidated? Explain the process in your research project.
How are funds being distributed to defrauded investors?
Offer recommendations on what can be done in the future to prevent this type of fraud from happening again.