What was the name of the vice-president of zambia

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133414448


Based ont he documentary "Stealing Africa" below, answer the following questions, going into a bit of detail where appropriate.

1. Glencore is a company that is headquartered in ________________, but mines copper in _____________.

2. It is estimated that for every dollar in Western aid that reaches Africa, _________ times as much money is taken out of the continent.

3. Switzerland is a huge purchaser of copper, but where does the copper it purchases go?

4. What are some of the environmental health impacts that people living close to the copper mines face?

5. In the last year alone (in 2011), the Zambian mines produced copper worth $____________

6. What was the name of the vice-president of Zambia? What does he say Zambia's priorities are?

7. Africa's natural resources are being extracted without _______________ getting their fair share. If Zambia had received the price Switzerland got, Zambia's GDP would have ______________.

8. Glencore emerged from the ashes of a controversial American company. Its CEO claimed it always adheres to relevant laws and doesn't engage in corruption. Is this a fair claim?

9. Did the audit report have any significant negative impact on Glencore?

10. To what extent did Zambia benefit from the stock market listing? Who did benefit?

11. How could Zambia benefit more from copper production in the future?

12. Do you think Zambia's a) Economy, and b) People would be better served by a greater or lesser reliance on this one key resource?

Reference no: EM133414448

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