Reference no: EM132403382
For this assignment, please write 400-600 words on the following questions?
1. What was the name of the first computer network?
a. Who created this network
2.When did this network got established?
a. Explain one of the major disadvantages of this network at its initial stage
3. What is TCP?
a. Who created TCP?
b. When did it got implemented
4.What is IP?
a. When did it got implemented
5. How did the implementation of TCP/IP revolutionize communication technology?
Assignment Requirements (Failure to comply with these requirements will result in a low or zero grade)
• You must write a minimum of three paragraphs, with three different in-text citations for each question.
Every paragraph should have at least four complete sentences.
• You are required to write and in-text citation according to APA 6th Edition format.
I only want you to use information from the Books.
• Every question should have a subtitle (Bold and Centered)
• Every paragraph must be indented
• Do not continuously cite at the end of each paragraph.
• Your SafeAssign Score needs to be no more than 30%.
• Please proofread your work and correct all grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors before posting your assignment. (Use Grammarly)
One of the Recommended book:
Fennelly, L. J. (2013). Effective physical security (Fourth edition. ed.). Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemannis an imprint of Elsevier.