Reference no: EM133199681 , Length: 5 pages.
Assignment: Customer Service Company Profile & Presentation
Part I: Customer Service Company Profile Selection
This assignment is to be completed in teams of minimum four (4) or maximum five (5) and you will sign up into your own groups on the Blackboard Group Sign up area. These teams will be working together throughout the semester to build on the proposed customer service company profile. Choose carefully the company that you select as many of your assignments and activities are linked to this company this semester. It is strongly suggested you select a company within your area of study and one you want to know more about. * PLEASE NOTE - THIS ASSIGNMENT CAN BE COMPLETED FROM ONLINE RESOURCES and MEETING AND NO IN PERSON CONTACT IS REQUIRED RESPECTING COVID 19 GUIDELINES*
Working in groups of minimum four or maximum five, each team will complete the following tasks for this assignment Part I:
A. Coordinate and meet as a team online
B. Discuss and reflect on some past experiences that were positive and negative from a past service perspective.
C. Discuss and reflect on some changes you have seen from companies as they have pivoted in their customer service recently
D. Prepare a Customer Service Company Profile (Part I) that will serve as the foundation for the Presentation portion (Part II) of this assignment
E. Submit your Customer Service Company Profile
Here is what your Customer Service Company Profile will include:
1. Background on the company with a focus on their processes and reputation for providing customer service - find some research that supports if they have a positive or negative customer service reputation.
2. Why the work group selected this company
3. Identification of the characteristics of their typical customers supported by your research.
4. What are your expectations if you were to have customer service experience at this organization?
5. Based on your initial research what are your impressions of the company from a service focus?
6. Would you expect to have a positive or negative experience when you actively engage the employees? Why?
7. Provide any other background information that will help you give the reader a clear understanding of the organization that you have selected.
Part II: Presentation Assignment
Your presentation must be developed with all team members. Present your group's research and overall experience from a customer service perspective.
Use the Guide questions above that were provided for the Presentation above as well as the research that you found while working on individual activities for further insight.
Ensure that your presentation has a title page with all group members names, an introductory statement and a conclusion. Please note *You have been provided a presentation template under assignments that is a guideline for your presentation.
You will be evaluated on:
1. The creativity and quality of your presentation
2. Knowledge and understanding through the notes/comments that you add to each slide or attach as a Word document. This can be submitted as bullet points but should show who would be saying what and explaining the slide.
3. Effectiveness of your recommendations, resolution, action plan for the future, and the general effectiveness of your presentation.
Helpful Tips for Part I and Questions for Part II
Guide Questions for customer service profile during your group discussion: Do not include answers to these questions in your proposal - this is to help you focus on your discussions and also to prepare for Part II of the presentation portion of the assignment. These are also suggestions for future research and helpful information that will assist with optimizing your research. When you are researching take note of the following- this will be the basis of the presentation:
1. Was the business customer centric? Why or why not? , was the web site up to date and easy to use?
2. Was there clear messaging on who the business is and what they stand for as a company?
3. Was it easy to contact someone at the company if needed? What were the options?
4. If there was contact Was the staff friendly, positive and seemed to enjoy their work?
5. Were employees knowledgeable and helpful if contacted?
6. Was the physical or on line store orderly?
7. What was the atmosphere/ambiance like what colours were used on the web site
8. Is there updated information available for customers
9. What was the messaging to customers about COVID19? How has the company pivoted?
10. If so, does this messaging reflect the business and customer focus?
11. Is the company online presence and reputation positive or negative? Offer examples.
12. What areas studied in this course does the company succeed at in terms of customer service?
13. Based on the class and group discussions, what could the business improve upon? Be sure to used examples from the material and offer clear recommendations.
14. After completing all of the activities and reviewing all of the material are your group opinions on the company more positive, equal to or less positive then in your initial selection during Part I of the company selection process of the assignment. Please support your answers.