Reference no: EM131627050
Example 1
According to Winthrop's "A Model of Christian Charity," what are the two principles that should govern human relationships?
According to Winthrop's "A Model of Christian Charity," what did John Winthrop say should be the reaction to a brother's need?
In the "Instructions for the Virginia Colony" the colonists were NOT instructed to
What was the most important of the "Instructions for the Virginia Colony" regarding its success?
According to Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation, when did the Pilgrims arrive in Cape Cod?
According to Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation, who performed the first marriage in the Plymouth colony?
According to the video presentation, who introduced tobacco to Virginia in 1612?
According to the video presentation, what product was the savior of the Virginia colony?
According to the video presentation, what was the most important function of the Mayflower Compact?
According to the video presentation, what was the Headright System?
Example 2
According to Winthrop's "A Model of Christian Charity," what are the two principles that should govern human relationships?
According to Winthrop's "A Model of Christian Charity," what did John Winthrop say should be the reaction to a brother's need?
In the "Instructions for the Virginia Colony" what was the first thing the Jamestown settlers were told to do?
According to the "Instructions for the Virginia Colony," in relation to the Native Americans, the Jamestown settlers were
According to Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation, when did the Pilgrims arrive in Cape Cod?
According to Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation, who performed the first marriage in the Plymouth colony?
According to the video presentation, who introduced tobacco to Virginia in 1612?
According to the video presentation, what was the Headright System?
According to the video presentation, what was the Massachusetts Body of Liberties?
According to the video presentation, what was the most important function of the Mayflower Compact?