What was the international situation in the late 1930s

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Reference no: EM133354724


What was the international situation in the late 1930s?

How did the United States respond to international tensions?

What is the difference between the Committee to Defend American by aiding the Allies and the America First Committee?

What was Franklin Roosevelt's plan for America and the European War?

What was unique about the election of 1940?

What is the significance of the Four Freedoms speech and the Lend Lease Act?

What is the philosophy behind the Atlantic Charter?

Why would Winston Churchill agree to it?

What war did FDR want as opposed to the war he got?

How did the first six months of 1942 go for America and its allies?

What happens when the "new moon is black as ink?"

What overall strategy did America pursue in World War II?

What major changes did WWII bring to American society?

What happened to Americans who did not support the war?

What was America's overall strategy in World War II?

How did relations shift between the wartime allies?

What major decisions were reached at the Casablanca and Moscow Conferences?

What were the most important results of the Tehran Conference?

Did FDR give away American advantages at the Yalta conference?

Why did FDR pivot to Stalin during WWII?

How did the war in Europe end?

What decisions were reached at Potsdam?

Who were the major figures present at the Potsdam Conference?
Why was Stalin unimpressed about the Trinity test?

How did the war in the Pacific end?

Why did Harry Truman choose to drop the atomic bomb?

What did Truman do that angered the Soviets?

What was the Iron Curtain speech?

What was the overt and covert purpose of the Baruch Plan?

Was the Soviet take over of Eastern Europe opportunistic or planned?

What was the original purpose and ultimate consequences of the Truman Doctrine?

How did the Marshall Plan benefit the United States?

Why did Stalin forbid his allies from participating in the Marshall plan?

Why was the Berlin Airlift such an important event?

Why did the Democratic Party split in the 1948 election?

How did Harry Truman win the election?

What does the election indicate about post-war American society?

What international events marred 1949?

What was the VENONA project?

What happened to the Rosenbergs?

Why did some of the Soviet spies get away?

Why did Kim Il Sung invade South Korea?

How did the United Nations respond?

What prevented the UN (ie the United States) from winning the Korean War?

How did the Korean War end?

What can be learned by comparing the stories told about the Battle of Chosin Reservoir and the Battle of Lake Changjin?

What is McCarthyism, how does it fit into the Second Red Scare?

Could Truman have run for reflection in 1952?
What was the Democratic Party's reasoning behind the nomination of Adlai Stevens?

Why were the Republicans able to win the House, Senate and the White House in 1952?

What are the two main components of Eisenhower's New Look for the US military?

Why did the Open Skies proposal fail?

What is the Domino Theory and what is its connection to the Vietnam War?

Why were the 1950s less than fabulous?

Why do Americans think the 1950s were so great?

What was the organizing principle of the struggle for civil rights in the 1950s?

What do Beatniks and Playboys have in common?

What was Jack Kerouac looking for, what was he rejecting?

What were the major goals of second wave feminism in the 1950s?

Why did Richard Nixon lose the election of 1960?

Why did John F. Kennedy become the symbol for a generation?

How did the struggle for civil rights change in the 1960s?

What different points of view are represented by Martin Luther King and Malcom X?

What were the major demands and principles of the Black Panthers?

What do the Bay of Pigs and the building of the Berlin Wall have in common?

Why did Kennedy go ahead with the Bay of Pigs invasion?

Why did he refuse to call in air support when the invasion forced was trapped on the beach?

What caused the Cuban Missile crises?

Who decided to put nuclear weapons on Cuba?

What were Kennedy's options at the beginning of the crisis?

How was the Cuban Missile crisis resolved?

What troubles did Kennedy face in the second half of his term in office?

What was Kennedy's attitude towards the war in Vietnam?

What were Lyndon Johnson's greatest achievements as President?

Which of Johnson's programs failed?

What was Johnson trying to achieve with his Great Society programs?

What is the importance of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution?

Why did Johnson escalate the war in Vietnam?

What was America's strategy in the early years of the Vietnam War?

What was the impact of the Tet Offensive on America's conduct of the Vietnam War?

Why did so many Americans come to oppose the war in Vietnam?

How did opponents of the war express their opinions?

What is the significance of the George Wallace campaign for President in 1968?

How did Richard Nixon win the 1968 Presidential election?

What was Nixon's strategy to extract the United States from Vietnam?

Why did some many Americans turn against Nixon for his conduct of the Vietnam war?

How did Nixon change American policy towards China and Russia?

What was the policy of New Federalism?

Why was Nixon's domestic policy so misunderstood and opposed?

What are the roots of the 1960s contra-culture?

What inspired the Hippie movement?

How did the contra-culture become political?

What other protest movements were inspired by the black civil rights movement?

Why did protest become violent after 1968?

What happened at the 1968 Chicago Democratic Party Convention?

Who were the Weathermen?

Why did George McGovern lose the 1972 election?

What was Nixon's great mistake?

What was the Watergate scandal?

What were Gerald Ford's accomplishments as president?

Why was the Bicentennial so lame?

Who was Patty Hearst?

What was President Jimmy Carter's guiding principle in foreign policy?

What were Carter's successes and failures in foreign policy?

How did Carter respond to the Soviet takeover of Afghanistan?

What did Carter feel American's had to do as the 1970s came to a close?

What was the general attitude of American society in the late 1970s?

Answers to the following questions are in Chapters 17 and 18 of America: Empire of Liberty.

What did Ronald Reagan mean by the phrase "it's morning in America?"

How did Reagan manage his landslide 1984 re-election victory?

Who are Reagan Democrats and why are they important?

What was the strategic defence initiative?

How did George Bush react to the fall of the Soviet Union?

How did the economy of the early 1990s benefit President Bill Clinton?

What mistakes did Clinton make when he tried to reform American healthcare?

How did George W. Bush avoid being a one term President?

Who were the Neo-Cons and what did they believe?

What immediate challenge did Barak Obama face upon becoming President?


Reference no: EM133354724

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