What was the innovative supply chain strategy

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13744311

Question: Review "Essilor: Building an Efficient Supply Chain to Serve the Company''s Mission"

Describe the structure of Essilor''s supply chain and variety of products produced and delivered along its supply chain. Respond to the following questions:

What was Essilor''s mission and what was the innovative supply chain strategy used to support the mission?

How did Essilor use the combination of innovation and customer service to become one of the world''s 30 most innovative companies by Forbes?

How did the two operating models for the two types of lenses help Essilor build an efficient supply chain?

What are differences between supply chains for finished lenses and semi-finished lenses?

How did Essilor develop the global end-to-end supply chain?

Cite your sources in APA format.

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Reference no: EM13744311

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