Reference no: EM132348219
MCQ's Questions -
Questions 1 to 5 for this Scenario:
Frequently, nurses working in the emergency department setting complain of chronic back pain. A nursing researcher conducted a study examining the impact of using a targeted exercise program on back pain in nurses employed in the Emergency Department.
Forty- two nurses were recruited from a large emergency department in southeast Alabama. Participants were assigned to either the intervention or control group based on their shift. All participants initially completed the Back Pain at Work Measurement tool, a valid and reliable tool which gives scores from 35-100. Next, participants in the intervention group participated in a six-week exercise program led by a professional trainer. The control group did not have access to the exercise program. After six-weeks, participants completed the measurement tool again. Six participants left the hospital for other jobs (4 in the exercise group and 2 in the control group). Researchers reported the means of the intervention group's back pain were 82.5 (12.2) at pre and 65.6 (9.7) at post. The control group's values were 84.6 (11.8) at pre and 68.5 (11.8) at post. The inferential results revealed an F of 3.4 and a p = .10 for the difference between groups.
Q1. What was the design of this study?
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Q2. What type of sampling was used in this study?
Probability, random assignment
Probability, convenience
Nonprobability, convenience
Nonprobability, systematic
Q3. What was the independent variable in the study?
Type of exercise program
Back pain
Type of clinical setting
Six-week exercise program
Q4. What are considered threats to validity of the study? (Select all that apply)
The tool used to test for back pain
The professional trainer's influence on the intervention group
Mortality (loss of participants) in the study
The way participants were assigned to groups
Q5. Which of the following is an accurate evaluation of results in the study?
The researchers demonstrated support for their hypothesis.
The back pain program was not effective in reducing the perception of back pain.
The control group's back pain remained the same.
The researchers should recommend the back pain program tested.
Questions 6 to 9 for this Scenario:
A group of college administrators were concerned about cannabis use among traditional college students enrolled at the University. Thus, they worked with behavioral science and nursing researchers to examine students reported smoking behavior and their intake of cannabis. The team surveyed all students currently enrolled at the University. Students were asked to complete an investigator constructed cannabis use tool and Self-Reported item raking Smoking use from none to every day. Over 15,000 students received an invitation to the survey with responses received from 6,254 students. A correlation of .25, p=.34 was found between cannabis use and smoking behavior.
Q6. Using this study's description, what best describes the design of this research?
Q7. What is the level of measurement for Smoking?
Q8. In evaluating the validity of this study, you are most concerned with:
the response rate to the survey
sampling bias
the self-report measures for the variables
sample size
Q9. The correlation of .25 between the variables with a p value of .34 means:
The null hypothesis is rejected
There is a weak relationship between smoking and cannabis use
Smoking in college students influences cannabis use
As cannabis use increased, smoking decreased
Questions 10 to 13 for this Scenario:
A study was conducted to test whether topical medications and special mattress pads affect the rate of skin decubitus healing. The methods section of the article indicated 232 patients were assigned medication A or B and mattress pad A or B with random assignment to groups. The skin decubitus healing was measured in days.
Q10. What is (are) the dependent variable(s) in this study? Choose all that apply.
Mattress pad
Topical medication
Length of stay in hospital
Rate of skin decubitus healing
Q11. What best describes the design of this study?
Q12. In the findings section, the researchers reported they found a difference in healing of skin decubitus among the groups (F = 3.14, p = .033). You know from this information alone:
the researchers failed to reject the null hypothesis
the mattress pad improved skin decubitus healing
skin decubitus healing was improved by the topical medications
The research (alternate) hypothesis was supported
Q13. A descriptive table in the study included the following:
Days for Decubitus Healing
M (SD)
Topical Medication A
28.8 (12.2)
Topical Med B
21.4 (2.3)
Mattress pad A
18.7 (3.5)
Mattress Pad
B 24.4 (10.2)
Based on the above table, which of the following statement(s) would be accurate?
Decubitus healing was faster on mattress Pad A than mattress pad B
Topical medication groups demonstrated faster healing times than the mattress pads
The topical medication used seemed to have no effect on decubitus healing
Both topical medication and mattress pad use made statistically significant differences in decubitus healing
Questions 14 to 17 for this Scenario :
A nursing student is critiquing a study where researchers wanted to determine if noninvasive, nursing interventions (such as relaxation, music therapy, and yoga) have an effect on patient's pain perception after surgery. In this study, 63 adult patients were randomly assigned to one of three interventions in addition to their pain medication. Pain perception was measured with a visual analog scale from 0-10 at three points postoperatively (day 1, day 3 and day 5). Researchers were able to obtain complete data from 53/62 patients (8 were lost to follow up and 1 went to ICU).
Q14. What is the design of this study?
Q15. What is/are the dependent variable (s)? Choose all that apply.
postoperative day
non-invasive nursing measures
type of surgery
pain perception
Q16. What is the level of measurement of pain perception using 0-10 pain scale?
Q17. In appraising the validity of this study, you are most concerned about:
mortality in the study
sample size
other factors affecting pain
how pain was measured
Q18. As the nurse manager, you aim to assess if males and females with joint replacements differ in their ratings of education satisfaction at discharge. You have patients rate their satisfaction measured on a likert item from 1 (very unsatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied). When you describe your results, you should compare the:
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Q19. Researchers are conducting a prospective cohort study of the association between being an office worker who uses a computer daily and carpal tunnel syndrome (a hand/arm nerve condition). Researchers choose a group of office workers from one company to be their "exposed" group. Which of the following "unexposed or less exposed" comparison groups would be the best choice?
Another group of office workers at a different company, who do not use computers daily
A group of professional golfers, who use their hands/ arms intensively for their sport
A group of high school students, who use computers daily
Another group of office workers at the same company, who do not use computers daily
Q20. If a nursing researcher plans to evaluate the number of falls on a unit compared to the number of fall interventions employed, what type of data is being compared?
Discrete data
Ordinal data
Qualitative data
Ratio data
Q21. Which statement best exemplifies a non-directional research hypothesis?
There is no relationship between regular exercise and cardiovascular efficiency in older adults without hypertension.
There is a difference in the examination performance level of students who participate in regular tutoring sessions compared with students who study by themselves.
There is a negative relationship between quality of work life and nurses' intention to leave their organization.
Older adults who have a regular program of exercise will score higher on a tool measuring cardiovascular efficiency than older adults who exercise sporadically.
Q22. For studies that use more than one data collector, the research appraiser expects to see methods used to ensure accuracy in each of the data collectors so that information will be collected in the exact same way. The research appraiser is looking for tests of:
internal validity
inter-rater reliability
external validity
test-retest reliability
Q23. A nurse researcher has made a generalization based on the experience of a small number of participants. What will be the outcome of this action?
The small sample will invalidate the hypotheses.
The data obtained from a small number will inadequately represent the phenomenon.
The researcher will be unable to eliminate his or her bias.
The researcher's decision will cause the variability in the results to decrease.
Q24. A graduate nurse was appraising research study on hospital safety. The student noted a sample description that states, "From a list of 5,000 randomly selected acute care hospitals, the sample was randomly chosen based on number of beds and academic affiliation ... ." Which term would be recorded as most accurately describing the sampling method?
Stratified random sampling
Purposive sampling
Quota sampling
Simple random sampling
Q25. A nurse researcher tested the hypothesis that there a difference in pain scores between the group receiving special teaching and the group that did not receive the special teaching. They obtained the following statistical results: t = 3.30, p = .02. The researcher should make which of the following decisions:
None of these, the results are inconclusive
Accept their alternative hypothesis
Fail to reject their null hypothesis
Fail to reject their research hypothesis.