What was the impetus for the sedition act

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Reference no: EM133678181

A series of laws known collectively as the ALIEN AND SEDITION ACTS were passed by the Federalist Congress in 1798 and signed into law by President Adams. These laws included new powers to DEPORT foreigners as well as making it harder for new IMMIGRANTS to vote. Previously a new immigrant would have to reside in the United States for five years before becoming eligible to vote, but a new law raised this to 14 years.


  1. These acts were instituted in 1798, a mere seven years after the Bill of Rights. How did they logically argue in favor of an act that so utterly circumvented the First Amendment? What was the impetus for the Sedition Act?
  2. This was two years into Adam's administration. Did the oppressive moves of the government prove the fears of Antifederalists right?
  3. In your opinion, are limitations of civil liberties during times of war justified for national security? Consider contemporary periods of the Patriot Act, Vietnam, WWI or WWII. Back this up with some evidence from one of these scenarios.

Reference no: EM133678181

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