Reference no: EM131250116
Students will develop a resource plan that includes the identification of types of resources and how they will acquire them. Students will then develop a communications plan that identifies who they will communicate with, how often, meeting format, and samples of types of progress and issue tracking reports they will present.
Your assignment for this week is refine the project plan you generated in week 3 with resource names and material resources versus roles assignments, how you will acquire them and a list of at least 3 considerations that could impact project end date based on resource availability. Use the template below to develop the resource plan. Next enter this resource information into MS project. Answer these questions after you have entered this information in MS Project:
What was the impact to the overall schedule end date?
Will need to have more resources to complete within the original date?
Can you use resource leveling to bring in the end date, why or why not?
This is an example of the resource table from MS Project that you will be filling in:
The second deliverable for this week is a communications plan that identifies how often, the types of communication, to whom, and the name of the available MS Project Report if applicable. You may use this table as a template for developing your overall communication plan or design your own.
deliverable length 2-3 pages.
What exactly is meant by cyberwar
: Find an article online where someone refers to the Sony attack as "cyberwar" or "cyberwarfare" or some similar term that includes the word "war".
Who would you need to talk to get detailed clarification
: Choose a company or industry to examine risk for. If you currently are working, try and use your knowledge of your current company. Determine and list at least 3 risks, threats, vulnerabilities, and threat actions for your company of choice. For e..
Influence employee behavior
: Explain why rewards, other than money can influence employee behavior. Are you currently receiving rewards or have received rewards that have added value to your position within the organization. If so, what types of rewards were received and how ..
Compute the bayesian nash equilibrium of the game
: Consider a simple simultaneous-bid poker game. First, nature selects numbers x1 and x2. - Compute the Bayesian Nash equilibrium of this game.
What was the impact to the overall schedule end date
: What was the impact to the overall schedule end date? Will need to have more resources to complete within the original date? Can you use resource leveling to bring in the end date, why or why not?
List pieces of realia that could be used
: List people or places that may be used as resources. (Include addresses, phone numbers, or websites.) List pieces of realia that could be used (such as items from nature, collections, artifacts). List and briefly describe 5 or more websites that can ..
Modes firms use to enter international markets
: Explain the five modes firms use to enter international markets.
Develop a questionnaire or survey
: In addition, you must develop a questionnaire or survey. Complete the following steps:
Calculate the bayesian nash equilibrium of this game
: Calculate the Bayesian Nash equilibrium of this game. - Can you find values of n and m for which this game has multiple Nash equilibria?