What was the hourly wage of total private and manufacturing

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM131687673


1. (Calculate with Excel only) Consider Bob, who just turned 18 years old and is about to embark on a four-year degree program. The tuition for the course is $20,000 per year. Bob currently works at Vons making $18,000 per year and will have to surrender his job to pursue the degree. Based on the BLS Occupational Handbook Bob anticipates his earnings will be $25,000 more each year following graduation (starting when he turns 22) until he retires on his 60th birthday. For your calculations you can assume all payments and income are incurred-received at the end of each year.

a. Calculate the net present value of this investment assuming he can borrow/save at an interest rate of 5%.

b. Calculate the internal rate of return from the investment in education.

c. Based on the NPV and IRR, should he undertake the program? Why?

2. (Calculate with Excel only) Consider Carl, a 26 year old native San Diegan who has just graduated with a B.A. in Economics. He has received two job offers, one in Irvine that pays him $40,000/year and another in Miami, Florida that will pay him $44,000/year. He is planning on working in the position, regardless of the location, until he finishes his 20th year of work. His added monetary costs in Miami will be $2,500 each year and he expects psychic costs totaling $5,000 the first 5 years only. He can borrow/save at a rate of 3.2%. Using the information provided and assuming all costs and benefits are incurred/accrued at the end of each year determine the following:

a. Calculate the net present value of his migration (round to hundredths).

b. Calculate the internal rate of return of his migration (round to hundredths).

c. Based on the NPV and IRR, should he migrate? Why?

3. Visit the BLS website link provided here and using the report (table A, June 2017) complete the following:

a. (Use Excel only) Using Figure 7.1 in the text as your template, generate a pie chart reflecting the Compensation Components for Private Industry.

b. Do the same as above for State and Local Government data.

c. Compare the two pie charts and determine which sector (Private or Government) is providing a compensating wage differential?

4. Go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics website provided hereand create a monthly labor force participation rate time-series graph for the years 2000-2017 for each of the following demographics. You may cut and paste your graphs in this document or generate your graphs in excel. (use seasonally adjusted data only):

a. Men >20
b. Women >20
c. Teenagers
d. Bachelor's Degrees and Higher (use left panel A-4 data)
e. Less than a High School Diploma (use left panel A-4 data)

5. Using the information from your graphs in #4 respond to each of the following:

a. Do you notice any turning points where the trend's shifted during the time frames specified? Explain.
b. For each graph what, if anything, changed during the Great Recession (12/07-6/09)? Explain.

6. Go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics website provided here to answer the following: What was the seasonally adjusted number of employed, unemployed, and civilian labor force (not percentage but a count of people in correct denominations) for the total population December 2007 and June 2009? How did the Great Recession affect these numbers? Explain.

7. Go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics website provided here to answer the following: What is the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for each level of educational attainment (<HS, HS, AA, BA+) in Dec. 2007 and in June 2009. For each level of educational attainment explain what happened (increased, decreased, or no change). What group was most affected by the Great Recession? Why? Explain.

8. Go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Current Employment Statistics website provided here and in sequence select "CES Databases" and "Top Picks" to find info about employment by industry. Use numbers only, not words: i.e. 100,000,000 instead of one hundred million. Round percentage answers to the nearest whole number.

a. How many people were employed in "total private" and "manufacturing" in December 2007, June 2009, and August 2017? Calculate the percentage increase or decrease for these two intervals (12/07-6/09 and 6/09-8/17) round percentages to the tenth place. Based on the data, how did the Great Recession and subsequent recovery impact total private and manufacturing?

b. On average how many hours did people work in "total private" and "manufacturing" in December 2007, June 2009, and August 2017? Calculate the percentage increase or decrease for these two intervals (12/07-6/09 and 6/09-8/17) round percentages to the tenth place. Based on the data, how did the Great Recession and subsequent recovery impact total private and manufacturing?

c. On average, what was the hourly wage of "total private" and "manufacturing" in December 2007, June 2009, and August 2017? Calculate the percentage increase or decrease for these two intervals (12/07-6/09 and 6/09-8/17) round percentages to the tenth place. Based on the data, how did the Great Recession and subsequent recovery impact total private and manufacturing?

d. How many people were employed in "manufacturing" and "leisure &hospitality" in January 1980 and August 2017? Calculate the percentage increase or decrease for both (round to a whole percent). What does this tell you about any changes in the structure of the U.S. economy over this time interval?

9. For each of the following visit the corresponding website link and locate the appropriate data. Round ratios to the nearest 100th and percentages to the nearest 10th .

a. In 2015 what percentage of the population over age 65 had achieved at least each of the following credentials:

i. High School diploma
ii. Bachelor's degree
iii. Associate' degree
iv. Advanced degree
v. Based on the data, do men or women have a higher probability of attaining at least a bachelor's degree. What is the percent difference?

b. (Site Link)In 2009 what was the median monthly earnings of someone age 35-44 for <HS, HS, associates/some college, bachelors, and advanced degree? Once you have this data calculate the ratio of earnings (not percent difference) of:

i. HS graduate to <HS
ii. Associates to HS
iii. BA graduate to Associates
iv. Advanced degree to Bachelors
v. BA to HS
vi. Write a brief narrative explaining the results of i-iv.

c. Calculate the 2009 ratio of earnings for Advanced degree to BA graduate in each of the following demographic categories then identify the group that has the greatest and least benefit of attaining a graduate degree after a bachelor's degree. What is the percentage difference between the highest group relative to the lowest group:

i. White (non-Hispanic White alone)
ii. Black
iii. Asian
iv. Hispanic (of any race)
v. Male
vi. Female
vii. Write a brief narrative explaining the results of i-vi.

d. Using the 2009 educational data by region table, determine the following:

i. Which region of the US has the highest and lowest college grad rates (identify region and their percent)?
ii. What are the top and bottom 3 states in terms of HS graduation rates (identify state and percent)?
iii. Write a brief narrative explaining the results from above.

10. Using Table-1 of the Census Bureau'sIncome and Poverty in the U.S. for 2015, answer the following:

a. What is the median household income in 2015 and by what percent has it increased or decreased from the prior year?

b. Which "Type of Household" had the highest and lowest median income in 2015? What are the figures? Give at least 2 reasons this difference might exist.

c. Which "Race Origin of Householder" had the highest and lowest median income in 2015? What are the figures? Give at least 2 reasons this difference might exist.

d. Which "Age of householder under 65" had the highest and lowest median income in 2015? What are the figures? Give at least 2 reasons this difference might exist.

e. Determine the 2015 median income for "native born" and "naturalized citizen"? How much more/less in percent terms does a naturalized citizen make relative to a native born? Explain why this difference might exist.

f. Which "Region" had the highest and lowest median income in 2015? What are the figures? Give at least 2 reasons this difference might exist.

g. Looking at the EARNINGS OF ALL FULL-TIME YEAR ROUND WORKERS for 2015, calculate in percentage terms how much higher the median wage is for men relative to women. Give at least 2 compensating wage differential explanations for this difference.

11. Using Page 8 of the Census Bureau'sIncomeand Poverty in the U.S. for 2015, answer the following:

a. Determine how much in income a household would need to make to be in the 95th percentile of U.S. income earners?

12. Using Table-3 of the Census Bureau'sIncome and Poverty in the U.S. for 2015, answer the following:

a. Determine which Race, Age, Sex, Nativity, Region and Education Attainment have the lowest and highest poverty rates in 2015? What are the figures?

13. Using Table-5 of the Census Bureau'sIncome and Poverty in the U.S. for 2015, answer the following:

a. If the level of income necessary to qualify as "Poverty" was doubled, what percent of Hispanic (any race) would be considered under the poverty threshold?

14. Visit the following BLS websites regarding union affiliation and income:

a. Complete the following table.


2016 Actual Wage Advantage in PercentageTerms Compare "Represented by Unions" to "Non-Union" Round % to tenths

2016 Percent of Employed Represented by Unions Use "Represented by Union" Round % to tenths

Total over age 25

Men over age 25

Women over age 25

Black over age 16

White over age 16

Asian over age 16

Hispanic over age 16

Full-time workers


Part-time workers



b. Based on the data, which race has the highest and lowest measured wage advantage from unionization? Give at least 2 reasons this difference might exist?

c. Based on the data, which characteristic has the highest and lowest level of union representation? Give at least 2 reasons this difference might exist?

d. Based on the 2016 "Members of Unions" data, what is the difference between the number of women over the age of 16 and men over the age of 16. Calculate overall and for each racial category (make sure to use proper denominations: i.e. 1000 thousands is written as 1,000,000) and indicate if there are more men or women that are members.

15. Visit the following BLS website illustrating the wage and employment statistics from May 2016 and perform the following operations:

a. Sort all occupations by annual mean wage. What industry is most represented in the top 10 highest paying occupations? What level of education do they all require?

b. What industry is most represented in the bottom 10 (ignore the ones without data) and what level of education do they require?

c. Click on the occupation labeled "Economists" and fill in the bell curve below with the hourly wage data provided. Also, include the median corresponding to the 50th percentile.

d. Based on the completed bell curve, the top 10% of economists earn more than ___________ and the bottom 10% of economists earn less than___________?

e. Locate the anticipated occupation you are going to compete in once graduating college. Create a similar bell curve based on the same BLS data. What do you believe you will need to do, or what skill do you think you will need to have, to be part of the 90th percentile?

Attachment:- Econonic-Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM131687673

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