What was the federal budget deficit or surplus in 2011

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131204735

By the numbers. Using the Survey of Current Business or the Economic Report of the President, find answers to the following questions:

(a) What was the federal budget deficit or surplus in 2011 In 2012?

(b) How much did spending for highways by state and local governments increase between 2000 and 2010 before and after adjusting for inflation? What happened to per capita spending for highways?

(c) Which states were highest and lowest in per capita property taxes? Were they the same states that were highest and lowest in property taxes as a percent of personal income? If not, explain the difference.

(d) What has happened to federal defense spending-total, inflation-adjusted, and per capita-since the early 1980s?

Reference no: EM131204735

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