Reference no: EM132639637
Assignment: The second and final assignment consists of a reflective piece of work, called a patchwork text; this will track your developing understanding of your professional knowledge and skills through the pursuit of your MA in a reflective way. The portfolio will take the form of a reflective critique and should be commenced at the beginning of the module as a narrative, which builds over time. Full details for the second assignment will be given to you quite early on in the second term, but submission will not be required until 14:00 hrs, 11th of May 2020 (towards the end of this academic year). Whilst this deadline comes before the submission of your Dissertation, think also about the opportunities your dissertation provides in connection with the aims of this module and its' assessment.
Your Portfolio Narrative (Patchwork of FOUR Texts in total, equivalent to around 2500 words) should comprise of the following:
1 - An up to date Career Development Plan (500 words)
2 - A narrative discussing your learning, understanding and personal development from the whole MA course, utilising reading material provided and further personal research. (750 words).
3 - Construct a concept map of what you consider the important concepts for Interdisciplinary public health.Transformational Concept mapping is a process whereby you reflect on the taught material that you have covered in other modules that has affected your practice, and identify the concepts that you have discovered that have transformed your practice, and changed your practice because of the new understanding that has resulted. (750 words)
4 - An annotated (explanation within the notes area) PowerPoint presentation on "An inspirational learning opportunity or experience and how it will change me and my practice". Four slides max. The slides need to cover the following, answer the following questions -
• What was the experience or learning opportunity involve, what was it about?
• What did I do?
• How did it add to my knowledge / understanding/practice?
• What will I change going forward? (500 words)
• Use foot notes to explain each slide
Remember that the detail of the material explored in this module is deliberately open for negotiation within the cohort, in relation to your individual and shared interests and to enable current issues to be explored in depth. The aim is to deliver a critical appreciation of the professional public health role, informed by the context and interests of the cohort.
You will need to think through what you wish to do, utilising the space and flexibility provided and utilising the guidance provided in line with the reflective practice ideals of the module!
In relation to the knowledge based learning outcomes for the module, the distribution of focus between the assessments is shown in order to aid your application and achievement, where R = Report and PT = Portfolio/patchwork text:
1. Identify and evaluate theories of learning and reflection and strategies for personal and professional development, explaining their application to professional practice; PT
2. Debate the notions of health and wellbeing, evaluating the role of the professional in current health policy and multidisciplinary partnership settings; R and PT
3. Exhibit a comparative and critical knowledge and understanding of the function, purpose and importance of health improvement; R
4. Demonstrate and apply a systematic and extensive knowledge and understanding of a range of public health stressors/determinants; R
5. Investigate and evaluate a range of health improvement and development strategies at the individual, group and community level; R and PT
6. Critically appraise multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to public health;. R and PT