Reference no: EM133480324
Question 1. How do you set permissions for the following:
a) You can modify a file but cannot delete it.
b) You can see the file names (directory content), but you cannot read their contents or modify them.
Question 2. Please provide the correct chmodcommand to set the following permissions: Use the entire command, starting with chmodand ending with the filename.
a) -rwxr--r-- 1 ddemissie staff 29 July 12 07:44 junk.txt
b) -r-xrwxr-x 1 ddemissie staff 29 July12 07:44 junk.txt
c) -rwxr-xr-x 1 ddemissie staff 29 July12 07:44 junk.txt
d) -rwxrwxrwx1 ddemissie staff 29 July12 07:44 junk.txt
Question 3. What was the command for changing the file permissions to -r--r--r--
Question 4. What was the command for changing the file permissions to-rw-r-----
Question 5. Change the file permissions to match the following:
a) owner: Read, Write and Execute
b) group: Read and Execute
c) other: Execute.