Reference no: EM133761165 , Length: word count:1500
Assessment Personal Reflection - Career Ownership
Purpose: The individual reflection report allows you to evaluate your knowledge and skills in the course. It is designed to encourage you to take ownership of your learning, performance and outcomes, This assessment contributes specifically to learning outcomes.
Task details: You are to write a Reflective Journal on:
Reflection Report- 1500 words.
Purpose: The individual reflection report allows you to evaluate your knowledge and skills in the course. It is designed lo encourage you to take ownership of your learning, perforrnance and outcomes.
a Reflective Journal on:
How the activities and the assignments have changed your perspective toward gig economy and gig job as a future career option
What was the challenge in preparing your career prototype report?
How the knowledge and skills you develop in this subject will be used in your future career endeavour
Suggested Structure each of the above reflection points is addressed in one paragraph. no headings and sub-heading is required, please optimize the use of connecting/linking words
How the activities and the assignments have changed your perspective toward gig economy and gig job as a future career option
What was the challenge in preparing your career prototype report?
How the knowledge and skills you develop in this subject will be used in your future career endeavour.