What was the biggest challenge for you in counseling 40

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Reference no: EM133326894 , Length: 1 Pages


You will write a reflection essay about this course. This reflection must be at least one page, double-spaced. It must be in Times New Roman and 12pt font.

You will answer the following questions below in essay format. Make sure to center and bold the headers.

Part 1: Takeaways

  1. What takeaways did you get from this class to improve your academics (grades)?
  2. How will you use your takeaways in your other courses?
  3. What takeaways did you get from this class to improve your career?
  4. What was the biggest challenge for you in Counseling 40? If you did overcome it, what strategies did you use? If you didn't, what will you do to overcome this obstacle?

Part 2: Self-Reflection

  1. What did you learn about yourself and how to be successful in college?
  2. What advice you would provide to a new Counseling 40 student next semes.

Reference no: EM133326894

Questions Cloud

Importance of performing a mental status examination : Explain the importance of performing a Mental Status Examination (MSE). Briefly define each term in your assigned dichotomy of terms. (JUDGEMEMT vs INSIGHT).
Describe a circumstance as a social work intern : Describe a circumstance as a social work intern or volunteer in which you either personally experienced or observed the effects of compassion fatigue.
Discuss the gender wage gap : I am writing a paper and my topic is the gender wage gap. Explain how the proposed study would contribute to the qualitative research knowledge base.
Why do i need a resume : Please choose and respond to ONE of the following prompts: Imagine you are about to apply for a job. In the process of writing or updating your resume.
What was the biggest challenge for you in counseling 40 : What was the biggest challenge for you in Counseling 40? If you did overcome it, what strategies did you use?
Research other heuristics online : Research other heuristics (there are hundreds of them) online. Discuss another heuristic and share an example of how you have used it.
Identify goals that you seek with regard to policy change : Identify goals that you seek with regard to policy change, the types of changes you seek, funding, and whether you might be willing to compromise.
What is a result-oriented organization : What is a result-oriented organization and how does it differ from relationship-oriented organization? Provide an example.
What data use to attempt to reduce these negative behaviors : Imagine you are a psychologist, and you said that a client is spurs and prejudice or discrimination towards other which individuals on the basis of their race.


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