What was the amount of the change in autonomous expenditures

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM13205295

Real Consumption ($) Real Disposable Income=Real GDP($)
120 100
200 200
280 300
360 400
440 500
520 600

Give the amount of the change in the equilibrium level of Real GDP due to a $6 increase in spending on goods and services by households.

Give the amount of the change in the equilibrium level of Real GDP due to a $6 increase in spending on goods and services by the federal government.

Give the amount of the change in the equilibrium level of Real GDP due to a $3 decrease in spending on goods and services by state governments.

Suppose the equilibrium level of Real GDP decreases by $20. What was the amount of the change in autonomous expenditures which caused this to happen?

Reference no: EM13205295

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