Reference no: EM132432391 , Length: word count:1000
Assignment -
Purpose - The purpose of this activity is to critique the articles you read.
Instructions - Please critically review one of the articles (you get a bonus if you critique two) you read in this course (please consider the recommended ones also). In your own words critique the article in no more than 2-4 pages. Please refer to the guidelines below.
What key points you (personally) take away from the articles than a summary. Please make sure your write up is in your own words.
List of articles are on Moodle:
- Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System.
- The Fall and Rise of Strategic Planning by Henry Mintzberg.
- Putting Leadership Back Into Strategy.
- Mastering the Management System.
- Competing on Capabilities.
- Strategic Intent.
- The 4 Disciplines of Execution.
One possible approach for the critiques might be:
Summarize the key arguments or present an overview of the key argument or model.
- What was powerful about the central argument in the article?
- What are the limitations of the article and the proposed model/framework?
- Is it a faddish business model, or will it stand the test of time? Is the proposed framework really original?
- How does the central argument jive with other articles or theories you are aware of?
- Are the article's conclusions based on hard facts (statistics), solid theory (e.g. economic theory) or anecdotal evidence?
- How useful is it as a conceptual framework or management tool? For what level of management?
- What questions are left unanswered? What requires more research?
Engage with the author by addressing issues such as:
- What did you learn that was new/a revelation?
- What resonates with your own experience?
- Do you have any anecdotal evidence that supports or refutes the arguments presented?
- What lessons or aspects of the model will you try to apply?
- What seems practical vs. too theoretical to you?
- What would work in your company, in the Middle East? If it wouldn't, why not?
Conclude by addressing an overarching issue such as:
- Is the model/framework better at describing selected (successful) events after they occur, at predicting the future, or at prescribing how best to mold the future?
- Is it a holistic model or is it limited in its focus or applicability?
- Is it an analytical tool or a management philosophy?
Article - Putting Leadership Back into Strategy by Cynthia A. Montgomery.
Attachment:- Article - Putting Leadership.rar