What was outcome or consequence of your actions about event

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Reference no: EM133770131

Problem: Journal Entry

Reflect on a recent stressful event that caused you distress. Begin by describing the stressful event in your journal. What specific thoughts were going through your mind at the time? Be specific write down as many thoughts as you can remember. Looking back, what were your emotions (feelings) at the time? Using the cognitive distortions handout, identify the distortions that may have been occurring. Remember that cognitive distortions are negative, illogical thoughts based on emotional reactions, not on facts. Were your thoughts accurate? Make a notation next to your list of thoughts - fact or fiction? What were the behaviors/consequences of your actions? Did it go the way you planned or wanted? What could you change now that you have had time to reflect and process the event? Finally, if you had it to do over, what thoughts or cognitive distortions could you challenge and change to have a different outcome?

Example scenario: if you recently had a fight with your significant other and they said something hurtful (stressful event), you can bring that situation to mind and try to remember it in detail. Identified thoughts about the event? (If you loved me, you wouldn't treat me like that. We need to break-up!). Cognitive distortions - is it true that my significant other does not love me? Is this event worth breaking up? Emotions/feelings experienced at the time - (anger, hurt, fear of abandonment). Actions/behaviors that resulted during the situation and urges felt (e.g., to run away, to yell at the significant other, to cry).

Frame your journal post using the following outline: i. Identify recent stressful event; ii. identify initial thoughts about the event; iii. identify emotions you were experiencing; iv. what was the outcome or consequence of your actions about the event. v. Were your thoughts about the event accurate? vi. Identify cognitive distortions (negative thoughts) that drove your negative emotions; vii. What could you do differently next time knowing what you know now

We live in a society today where technology tends to drive many of our actions and reactions. While the use of technology can be very helpful in terms of completing tasks in our daily lives, technology has also increased our levels of stress and impacted our ability to be fully connected to other people. Keep a log for a 24-hour period of how much time you spend using some form of technology. Are you surprised about the result? Have you considered taking a break or turning off all technology? How can disconnecting from technology improve our well-being and ability to manage stress?

Reference no: EM133770131

Questions Cloud

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Implemented in your own organization : Use either the Lewin model of change or the Bridges model of change to describe and illustrate a change that was implemented in your own organization.
What was outcome or consequence of your actions about event : identify initial thoughts about the event; identify emotions you were experiencing; what was the outcome or consequence of your actions about the event.
Discuss the theoretical framework you think helps : Discuss the theoretical framework you think helps explains your topic and problem you will address in your dissertation.
How will you apply what has been learned into organization : Based on the knowledge gained in this course, how will you apply what has been learned into your organization?
How are drugs and religion similar : How are drugs and religion similar? As a budding scholar of religion, what areas of overlap between the two are most worth researching?
Could the united states have prevented the outbreak of ww-ii : Assess if the United States foreign policy during the 1930s helped to promote World War II. Could the United States have prevented the outbreak of World War II?


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