What was metternichs role in the congress of vienna

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131746717


• Write a 4-6 page paper.
• The paper should be typed and double-spaced.
• Your paper should have 12-point font, Times New Roman, and 1-inch margins on all sides.
• This paper should answer the following question: Question: Choose just ONE of the three questions to answer:

(1) The Austrian Prince, Klemens von Metternich, remains one of the greatest European statesmen of the 19th century (along with Otto von Bismarck and Camillo Benso di Cavour). What was Metternich's role in the Congress of Vienna of 1814-1815? What impact did he have on that congress? How was Europe as a continent affected by Metternich's influence at this congress? Later in history, what events crushed the results Metternich created from the Congress of Vienna? Why? Be specific with each answer.

(2) Alfred Dreyfus was a French officer charged with treason in the late 1800s. The case against Dreyfus was extremely controversial due to the bias of his accusers. Describe the case that was brought against Dreyfus. What was his fate at his trial? What eventually led to a stunning reversal in that case? Discuss the societal circumstances in France which in your opinion explain why the Dreyfus Affair happened. Be specific with your answers.

(3) The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) is often an overlooked European event in the first half of the 20th century due to the fact that it took place between the two world wars. However, that conflict led to the Fascist takeover of Spain under dictator Francisco Franco. What were the issues that led up to the Spanish Civil War? How did Franco win? What enabled Franco's regime to last as long as it did? Of all the explanations given for the cause of the Spanish Civil War, what was the biggest cause in your view?

• Be specific with your response.

• Citations: For this paper, I am requiring you to do a little research. You need at least TWO SOURCES for this paper. You are free to use either books or journal articles as sources. But DO NOT USE ANY INTERNET SOURCE OUTSIDE OF A LIBRARY DATABASE. Also, you cannot use the textbook as a source either.

• At the very end of your 4-6 page paper, insert a bibliography to indicate the sources you used. The bibliography does NOT count towards the 4-6 pagerequirements for the paper. If you are borrowing a thought or reference from a source in the body of your paper, you need to include a citation. For this paper, you may use parenthetical citation (Author's name, Title, page number). Example: George Washington deployed the Fabian tactic during the Revolutionary War (John Tyler, Battle Formations of the American Revolution, 367).

- Bibliographic citation format for a book with a single author: Author's last name, Author's first name. Title. City of Publication: Publishing Company, Year of Copyright. Example: Smith, John. FDR: The Legacy. Boston: Harvard University Press, 2006.

- Bibliographic citation format for an article in a journal: Author's last name, Author's first name. "Journal article title." Journal Title. Volume number (Publication Year): page number range for the article. Example: Smith, John. "New Deal." Journal of American History. 2 (2009): 113-117.

- Bibliographic citation format for an article in a journal or a book with more than one author: Author's last name, Author's first name and Author #2 first name Author #2 last name. [proceed as normal for either a book or article citation]. Example: Frost, Peter and John Smith. World War Two. Boston: Harvard University Press, 2006.

Format: You MUST include a title page at the beginning, which should have your name, a title for your paper, and your class and section number. As mentioned above, you MUST include a bibliography at the end of your 4-6 page paper. Your title page and bibliography do NOT count to the 4-6 page requirement for your paper. Watch your spelling and grammar. Do NOT include contractions [i.e. don't, can't, wasn't, etc.]. Do NOT use first person [i.e. "I", "me", "us", "we", "myself", etc.]. I do take off 1 point for each contraction or first person pronoun I see in a paper.

Reference no: EM131746717

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