What was main tactic used by plebeians to force patricians

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Reference no: EM131073621

1. Diocletian attempted to prevent rebellion in the Roman Empire by

A Redistributing imperial defense among local militia

B Entering into treaties with bordering states

C Removing the distinction between "better people" and "humbler people"

D Separating civil and military authority in the provinces

2. Roman morality primarily emphasized

A A personal relationship with the gods

B Virtue, faithfulness, and respect

C Power, status, and wealth

D Democracy, equality, and generosity

3. Muhammad changed his attitude toward the Jews because they refused to

A Pay the zakat

B Recognize him as a prophet and convert

C Take part in the battle of Badr

D Resettle in either Mecca or Medina

4. Concerns about national security and a desire for wealth led the Romans to

A Undertake expansionist campaigns against their neighbors

B Arrange foreign marriages in the hope of creating ties with their neighbors

C Negotiate defensive treaties with all of Rome's major trading partners

D Establish temples to all the major gods of the most powerful foreign nations

5. The Hijra was

A A tax levied on nonbelievers living in an Islamic state

B The chief religious official of Islam

C Muhammad's departure from Mecca for Medina

D The religious court that decided cases of alleged blasphemy

6. The Umayyad caliphate's (r. c. 661-750) policy toward Christians and Jews was

A Toleration and protection, but these groups had to pay a special tax

B Banishment from the lands of Islam

C A choice between conversion and death

D To kill males and sell females into slavery

7. The First Triumvirate of Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar formed in 60 BCE when

A The three men teamed up for an assault on Egypt

B Spartacus's slave army threatened to overrun Rome

C The Senate's challenge to Pompey forced him into a coalition with his two greatest rivals

D The Senate recognized that the empire had grown too large for only two consuls

8. The poet Ovid (43 BCE-17 CE), fell out of favor with Augustus in 8 BCE when he

A Published the irreverent and bawdy Art of Love

B Refused to write a poem praising the first ten years of Augustus's reign

C Became involved in a scandal with Augustus's granddaughter

D Criticized Augustus's transformation of government in Metamorphoses

9. Which of the following is not a reason for the practice of iconoclasm?

A Icons violated biblical injunctions against graven images

B The Muslims believed they succeeded in battle because they avoided images of humans

C Monasteries holding icons undermined the emperor's place in Christianity ?

D They drained the economy by pouring money into art instead of useful commodities

10. The Roman legend known as the "Rape of the Sabine Women" illustrates

A The Roman belief that one man can make a decisive difference in the course of his nation's history

B Rome's tradition of absorbing different peoples into its citizen body, a practice that helped make Rome a world power

C The Romans' reverence for virtuous matrons and their dedication to justice

D The Romans' wanton disregard for women, whom they treated little better than slaves

11. What was the main tactic used by the plebeians to force the patricians to make political and economic concessions?

A They went "on strike," withdrawing from the city and refusing to work or engage in military service

B They invaded patrician estates and freed their slaves

C They instructed their tribunes to veto every measure that the patricians strove to pass in the assembly

D They rioted, destroying a significant part of the Roman forum

12. Augustus fulfilled his role as Rome's patron by providing

A The first public fire department in Western history

B Free public baths for the poor

C Free medical care for all children

D A mail system for Rome and the Italian peninsula

13. The Roman governor Pontius Pilate (r. 26-36 CE) executed Jesus of Nazareth because

A He felt offended by Jesus' teachings, which criticized deeply held notions of social hierarchy

B He feared that Jesus harbored political aspirations and might incite a Jewish revolt

C Jesus had argued that the Roman Empire was fundamentally corrupt and that Jews should refuse to pay taxes

D All of the above

14. During the Roman republic, the political career of a patrician typically consisted of

A Achieving success in business or agriculture, financing a shrine or other public building, then being elected, in succession, to the offices of aedile, consul, and, finally, pontifex maximus

B Military service, an appointment to the Senate, and then being elected, in succession, to the offices of censor, tribune, and, finally, consul

C Military service, and then being elected, in succession, to the offices of quaestor, aedile, praetor, and, finally, consul

D Military service culminating in a generalship, and then being elected, in succession, to the offices of quaestor, censor, and, finally, consul or pontifex maximus

15. One fundamental difference between slavery in Rome and in Greece was that

A Roman men could raise their children by female slaves as legitimate children and heirs

B Greeks tended not to enslave other Greeks, but Romans preferred Italian-born slaves

C Roman slaves gained citizenship with their freedom, but Greek slaves did not

D Greek slaves had some legal protections against abuse, but Roman slaves did not

16. The office of tribune differed from most other political offices because

A It was established to serve and protect the plebeian order, not all of society

B Former slaves who had served in the military could stand for election as tribunes

C It was the only official position that had been retained from the era of the monarchy

D Senators were eligible to be elected to the post

17. Which of the following accurately compares Spain and Italy regarding ecclesiastical authority?

A In Spain, bishops supported their kings, whereas in Italy, the papacy was forever at odds with neighboring monarchs

B The Spanish bishops opposed their king, whom they blamed for the Muslim invasion, whereas the pope supported the Lombard king as a bulwark against Byzantine influence

C The Spanish were more receptive than the Italians to the teachings of the Catholic church, with its emphasis on asceticism

D The papacy consisted of a highly organized hierarchy, whereas the Spanish church was merely a loose collection of parishes

18. Between 630 and 730, the Byzantine Empire

A Revived the urban lifestyle of the Roman Empire

B Lost much of its territory to invading Islamic armies

C Recognized the bishop of Rome as the leader of all Christendom

D Ordered all official documents to be written in Latin instead of Greek

19. Roman Christianity's organization was based on bishops' and archbishops' control of territorial units called

A Abbeys

B Shires

C Themes

D Dioceses

20. Theodoric ruled from 493 to 526 over an Ostrogoth kingdom that

A Tried to maintain the Roman Empire's prestige by retaining elements of its rule, such as the Senate

B Sought to eliminate all reminders of Roman rule in order to emphasize the power of the new king

C Was supposedly ruled by the puppet emperor Romulus Augustulus

D Forcibly converted its inhabitants to Arian Christianity

21. When Diocletian came to power in 284, he indicated his autocratic intentions by

A Rreplacing the title princeps with dominus, the term that slaves called their masters

B Proclaiming himself the head of the state and of the Christian church

C Eliminating the Senate, consuls, and all other vestiges of republican rule

D Appointing only fellow Dalmatians to important positions

22. Which of the following was not a reason that Christianity was attractive after the reign of Constantine?

A Christianity's new official status attracted believers in the military, who no longer faced a conflict between serving the state and serving Christ

B Christian merchants, who could now be open about their faith, offered lower prices to fellow Christians

C Christianity offered people a strong sense of community with co-religionists

D Christianity's adherents took up charitable works and philanthropy.

Reference no: EM131073621

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