What was initial intent of affirmative-action legislation

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131175083

As the new manager of human resources, you are preparing the next section of the diversity training manual, which focuses on making supervisors more aware and sensitive to religious discrimination issues.

This section of the training manual should include the following information:

Give an explanation of the Civil Rights Act, Title VII 1964 legislation, dealing specifically with the meaning of reasonable accommodation for religious practices.

For each of the 3 religious groups listed, describe and explain the following:

Include at least 2 religious practices that could easily be accommodated by management without any hardship for the company.

Include at least 2 practices that would be difficult to accommodate.

The 3 religious groups you will be examining are as follows:

Orthodox Jewish

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

- As the human resources manager, you are now ready to complete your diversity training manual to be used for training and sensitizing your employees on diversity issues. This final section will cover actual legislation. You would like your employees to not only be aware of issues dealing with discrimination that may not be addressed in legislation (the moral component) but to be knowledgeable of the seriousness of the discriminatory practices that have been made into law.

Affirmative Action is one of the most contentious issues; its intent and the discriminatory result of applying it in practice has become a major issue in today's workforce.

Using this Web site (or any others you find), write a paper of 4-6 pages that will summarize the following points and become part of the training manual:

What is Affirmative Action?

What was the initial intent of Affirmative-Action legislation?

What did the landmark Bakke v. Regents case conclude? Click here to read the case.

What was the basis for the conclusion?

What are the positive and negative results of Affirmative Action legislation?

In your evaluation, is Affirmative Action legislation is still appropriate?


Ball, H. (2000). The Bakke case. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas. Retrieved from https://lilt.ilstu.edu/gmklass/pos334/archive/ball.htm

Civil Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e (1964). Retrieved from https://finduslaw.com/civil-rights-act-1964-cra-title-vii-equal-employment-opportunities-42-us-code-chapter-21

University of California Regents v. Bakke, 438 U.S. 265 (1978). Retrieved from the FindLaw Web site: https://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/cgi-bin/getcase.pl?court=US&vol=438&invol=265

Deliverable Length: 6 pages excluding cover and reference pages.

Reference no: EM131175083

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