What was goal of the spanish administration in the americas

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Reference no: EM131032556

Q. 1 Which of these was the most important weakness of the Aztecs in the face of Spanish conquerors?

A. The identification of Cortés as the god Quetzalcóatl

B. The animosity of Aztec subject peoples

C. The large numbers of Aztec slaves

D. Aztec lack of defenses

Q. 2 What was the goal of the Spanish administration in the Americas?

A. The efficient running of the colony's economy

B. Keeping the empire under the king's direct control

C. Maximum resource extraction

D. Ensuring local control of most of the economy

Q. 3 The largest owner of property in the New World was:

A. the Spanish king.

B. the Portuguese king.

C. the Catholic Church.

D. Vasco de Gama.

Q. 4  Which of the following best states Luther's basic doctrine?

A. All sinners can achieve salvation through participation in the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist.

B. Faith and good works are necessary for salvation.

C. Salvation is achieved through faith alone.

D. God chooses the elect regardless of what they do.

Q. 5 In Aztec society emperors were chosen through:

A. inheritance.

B. election.

C. appointment.

D. civil war.

Q. 6 Where was Portuguese trading focused?

A. The Pacific Ocean

B. The Mediterranean Sea

C. The Indian Ocean

D. The Atlantic Ocean

Q. 7  What was the eventual result of the Thirty Years War and the Peace of Westphalia?

A. The Holy Roman Empire was officially a Catholic nation.

B. The Holy Roman Empire was officially a Protestant nation.

C. The unity in the Holy Roman Empire was lost as each state could decide religious affairs for itself.

D. The Holy Roman Empire split into two nations, one Protestant and one Catholic.

Q. 8  Which country became Protestant because the king wanted to divorce his wife?

A. Switzerland

B. Germany

C. France

D. England

Q. 9  Which Protestant reformer taught the concept of predestination?

A. John Wycliffe

B. Martin Luther

C. John Calvin

D. Huldrych Zwingli

Q. 10  How did allegiance to an emperor make the Aztec and Inca peoples vulnerable to conquest?

A. They had no strong leader.

B. They too easily transferred their allegiance to a new ruler.

C. They were not unified against conquerors.

D. They lacked fighting skills.

Q. 11  Why were western Europeans searching for a new route to the West Indies?

A. The current route was lengthy and dangerous due to piracy.

B. The Turks controlled the eastern Mediterranean, and their trading regulations were costly.

C. The Turks closed all trade routes to Christians.

D. The Muslims forced women on board the ships to be completely covered in accordance with Islamic law.

Q. 12  What is the significance of the Edict of Nantes?

A. It made Catholicism the official religion of France.

B. It granted freedom of worship and civil rights to French Protestants.

C. It ended the Thirty Years War in the Holy Roman Empire.

D. It made Catholicism the official religion of the Holy Roman Empire.

Q. 13  Which people linked their vast empire through roads and bridges across the Andes?

A. Aztec

B. Inca

C. Maya

Q. 14  The Council of Trent affirmed all of the following practices EXCEPT:

A. priestly celibacy.

B. salvation by faith plus works.

C. selling of indulgences.

D. the Latin mass.

D. Toltecs

Q. 15  Calvinists in England were known as:

A. Huguenots.

B. Presbyterians.

C. Puritans.

D. Anglicans.

Q. 16  Which of these was true of society in the Spanish and Portuguese American colonies?

A. The three main racial groups rarely mixed

B. Interracial unions were common

C. Mixed-race individuals were able to rise to high positions

D. Peninsulares never married in the colonies

Q. 17  Which religious reformers rejected the practice of infant baptism?

A. Lollards

B. Lutherans

C. Presbyterians

D. Anabaptists

Q. 18  Which of these characteristics distinguished civilizations of the Americas from those of Europe and Asia?

A. Greater isolation

B. Lack of towns

C. Failure to develop complex societies

D. Lack of trade

Q. 19  Pedro Cabral discovered Brazil:

A. on Columbus' second voyage.

B. sailing for the Spanish.

C. when he was blown off course on his way to India.

D. when his ship deserted from Magellan's expedition.

Q. 20  The Iberians imposed a new governance system in America based largely on:

A. slave labor.

B. the tobacco crop.

C. Christianity.

D. cooperation with Amerinds

Reference no: EM131032556

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