Reference no: EM132101893
Directions:PART ONE A
Answer the following questions completely, competently and professionally in college level content in the final draft, completely edited, in no need for necessary corrections of revisions? Answer in your own words as much as possible. Answers do not need to be in complete sentences. Please type & number sections & their verybrief answers using bold text.
SECTION ONEAccording to Forrest McDonald & Grady McWhiney, The Antebellum Southern Herdsman
1. Why, McDonald and McWhiney argue, has southern livestock and herders been ignored by historians for so long?
2. What was U.B. Phillips' portrayal of Old South society?
3. What was Frederick Jackson Turner's portrayal of Old South society?
4. What was Frank Owsley's error about herdsmen?
5. What was the open range system?
6. What was the normal method of raising hogs in the Old South?
7. What crop was grown more than any other in the Old South?
8. How was the price of hogs related to the price of cotton?
9. How did the Civil War affect hog raising in the South?
According to Dennis C. Rousey, Aliens in the Wasp Nest: Ethno-cultural Diversity in the Antebellum Urban South,
1. What does the acronym "WASP" stand for?
2. What specific myth is Rousey challenging in his article?
3. What did the census of 1850 and 1860 show about southern urban populations in comparison with northern urban areas?
4. In what areas did most southern free blacks live?
5. What does Rousey mean when stating, "Foreigners did not, however, constitute an ethnocultural group"?
6. Where did many northerners who moved to the South live?
7. Which two non-Protestant religious groups - usually associated with northern urban areas - had larger concentrations in southern urban areas?
8. What happened to the rates of ethnocultural diversity in the urban South between 1860 and 1900 in relation to the North?
9. In terms of Rousey's method, why does he insist on the need to look at the topic of southern urban ethnic heterogeneity in a comparative sense?
SECTION THREE - Note: The questions deal with the letters, not the introduction.
You may wish to read the brief introduction for an explanation of where the letters came from. South Carolinian William Gilmore Simms, often called the "Father of Southern Literature," was the most important writer in theOld South. Please remember that the answers are to be very BRIEF, in bold text and no necessarily in sentences when appropriate.
According to the letters, James Everett Kibler, Jr.'s The First Simms: Letters from the West(1826)
1.On what mode of transportation does Simms begin his travel from Charleston to New Orleans?
2.What is the "Balize"?
3. What nut tree - common in the Mississippi River Valley -- does Simms see for the first time?
4. What attitudes did Simms display in describing the society of New Orleans?
5. After New Orleans, to what city does Simms travel?
6. How does Simms reach Columbus, Mississippi?
7. List the various ethnic groups Simms mentions that he met in his travels.
According to Twelve Years a Slave (Dover Publications, 1970) by Solomon Northup - Briefly Answer the following questions in very brief answers on Twelve Years a Slave. Number both CHAPTERS &Answers competently, completely, naturally & briefly! Answers do not need to be in complete sentences. Please type brief answersin bold text.
Chapter 1
1. What is Northup's purpose in the book?
2. In what state was Solomon born?
3. Who did Solomon marry?
4. What kinds of jobs did Solomon perform after his marriage?
5. How many children did Solomon have?
Chapter 2
1. Where did the two strangers want Solomon to go and what did they want him to do?
2. What did Solomon obtain before heading into the South?
3. How did Solomon end up with chains on his legs?
Chapter 3
1. Who was the slave dealer that now owned Solomon?
2. What did Solomon do when Burch informed him that he was now a slave?
3. What did Burch do in response to Solomon?
4. What was the name of the place where Solomon was held?
5. How did Eliza end up in the Pen?
Chapter 4
1. What does Solomon think to himself as he walks, chained, during the night in Washington DC?
2. Where does Solomon say he is from when asked by the slaver Goodin?
3. Who, by chance, informed Solomon's family that Solomon had been kidnapped?
Chapter 5
1. What was Arthur's story?
2. How many times a day did the slaves eat on the boat?
3. Why couldn't Arthur and Solomon trust other slaves to help take over the ship?
4. What did Solomon ask the sailor to obtain for him?
5. What happened to Arthur when the boat reached New Orleans?
6. What is Solomon's new name?
Chapter 6
1. What did potential buyers do at Freeman's Slave Pen when deciding to buy a slave?
2. What disease did many of the slaves, including Solomon, contract?
3. How much was Solomon purchased for?
Chapter 7
1. Who was Solomon's new master?
2. Why were planters living in the Pine Woods, away from their plantations?
3. What property and businesses did Ford own?
4. What does Solomon say about Ford's kindness to his slaves?
5. What did Solomon build for Sally?
Chapter 8
1. Why did Ford have to sell 18 slaves?
2. How did Tibeats work Solomon?
3. Why did Solomon and Tibeats fight?
4. What did Tibeats and his two accomplices wish to do to Solomon?
5. Why is Chapin able to save Solomon?
Chapter 9
1. Who cut Solomon free?
2. Why did Chapin have Solomon sleep in the house?
3.To whom did Tibeats hire Solomon?
Chapter 10
1. With what did Tibeats first attack Solomon?
2. Why did Solomon let Tibeats go?
3. What were the dogs trained to do?
4. What swamp was Solomon in?
Chapter 11
1. How did Solomon show his appreciation to the Fords?
2. What did Ford tell Tibeats about how to treat slaves?
3. Who hired Solomon next?
4. How long did Solomon work in the Big Cane Break before Tibeats showed up?
5. What did Tibeats give to Solomon?
Chapter 12
1. What particular vice did Epps have?
2. What did Epps grow on his farm?
3. How did overseers force slaves to hoe the cotton rows quickly?
4. At picking time, what was the usual quota of cotton in pounds for a slave?
5. How well did Epps feed his slaves?
6. What did slaves mostly eat on Epps' plantation?
7. Where were the hogs kept?
8.What impressed Solomon about the gardens in Louisiana?
Chapter 13
1. When did Epps finally get a doctor for Solomon?
2. Why didn't Solomon become a regular cotton picker?
3. How long did Solomon work for Epps?
4. How many slaves did Epps have on his farm on Bayou Boeuf?
5. Why was Patsey so mistreated?
Chapter 14
1. Where did the slaves go to work in the cane fields in 1845?
2. What did the residents of the Grand Coteau raise?
3. How did slaves in Louisiana acquire extra things they needed to live?
4. How did Solomon make extra money?
5. What animal did Solomon love to eat?
6. What did Solomon build to secure more food?
Chapter 15
1. How much did Epps make per day for hiring Solomon out to cut cane?
2. During Solomon's time at Hawkins' plantation, where else did he work?
3. When did slaves get a holiday?
4. What did the slaves do on holiday?
5. Did slaves marry?
Chapter 16
1. What was the job of the overseer?
2. What were drivers?
3. Where did Solomon obtain a piece of paper?
4. Who did Solomon ask to mail a letter for him?
Chapter 17
1. What was the slave patrol?
2. Which slave ran away but was returned three weeks later?
3. How did Solomon scare Epps's dogs?
4. What did the slaves along Bayou Boeuf decide to do the year before Solomon arrived?
5. According to Solomon, would slaves welcome an army that would free them?
Chapter 18
1. Why did Solomon get whipped at the beginning of chapter 18?
2. Why did Patsey go to Shaw's place?
3. Who was forced to whip Patsey?
Chapter 19
1. Who was the carpenter Solomon was thankful for?
2. What do Epps and Bass argue about that Solomon overhears?
3. When did Solomon agree to tell Bass his story?
4. Where did Bass go to mail the letters to New York?
Chapter 20
1. When did Bass return?
2. What does Epps think of Solomon?
3. Why does Solomon say he described Mistress McCoy at length?
Chapter 21
1. Who did Solomon's wife Anne give Solomon's letter to after receiving it in 1852?
2. Who did Northup send a memorial to about Solomon?
3. What Senator from Louisiana assisted in the recovery of Solomon?
4. Who did Northup ask for help in Marksville, Louisiana?
5. Who did Northup meet on the Red River that told him where Solomon was?
6. What did Bass give Northup to help him?
7. Who did Epps want to harm when he learned who Solomon was?
Chapter 22
1. Who gave Solomon a legal pass in New Orleans?
2. Why could Solomon not testify at the trial of Burch?
3. What happened to Burch at his trial?